Browse TRAIL Inventories

Experimental verification of a simplified vee-tail theory and analysis of available data on complete models with vee tails

Flight investigation at high speeds of flow conditions over an airplane wing as indicated by surface tufts

Effects of compressibility on maximum lift coefficients for six propeller airfoils

Estimation of stick-fixed neutral points of airplanes

The effect of trailing-edge extension flaps on propeller characteristics

Bibliography and Review of Information Relating to the Hydrodynamics of Seaplanes

Bending and Shear Stresses Developed by the Instantaneous Arrest of the Root of a Cantilever Beam Rotating With Constant Angular Velocity About a Transverse Axis Through the Root

Two-dimensional wind-tunnel investigation of 0.20-airfoil-chord plain ailerons of different contour on an NACA 65(sub 1)-210 airfoil section

A summary of drag results from recent Langley full scale tunnel tests of Army and Navy airplanes

Summary of Airfoil Data

Statistical Analysis of the Characteristics of Repeated Gusts in Turbulent Air

Properties of low-aspect-ratio pointed wings at speeds below and above the speed of sound

Preliminary flight research on an all-movable horizontal tail as a longitudinal control for flight at high Mach numbers

Langley full-scale tunnel investigation of the factors affecting the directional stability and trim characteristics of a fighter-type

Performance of compressor-turbine jet-propulsion systems

A method of analysis of V-G records from transport operations

A Method of Analysis of V-G Records from Transport Operations

A method for the calculation of external lift, moment, and pressure drag of slender open-nose bodies of revolution at supersonic speeds

A method of analysis of V-G records from transport operations

A Metallurgical Investigation of a Large Forged Disc of 19-9 DL Alloy

A Metallurgical Investigation of a Large Forged Disc of CSA (234-A-5) Alloy

Addition of Heat to a Compressible Fluid in Motion

Pressure Lag in Tubing Used in Flight Research

The Elastic Constants for Wrought Aluminum Alloys

An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Propellers Used as Aerodynamic Brakes on Stability and Control

Flight Tests of the Lateral Control Characteristics of an F6F-3 Airplane Equipped with Spring-Tab Ailerons

Correlation of Engine-Cooling Data

Effect of Internal Coolants on the Knock-Limited Performance of a Liquid-Cooled Multicylinder Aircraft Engine With a Compression Ratio of 6.0

The Effect of Some Design Parameters on Ditching Characteristics

Effect of the Lift Coefficient on Propeller Flutter

Effect of Maximum Cruise-Power Operation at Ultra-Lean Mixture and Increased Spark Advance on the Mechanical Condition of Cylinder Components

Effect of Mach and Reynolds Numbers on the Maximum Lift Coefficient Obtainable in Gradual and Abrupt Stalls of a Pursuit Airplane Equipped With a Low-Drag Wing

The Effect of Mach Number on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Single-Engine Pursuit Airplane as Determined From Tests of a 1/3-Scale Model

Effect of Variation in Diameter and Pitch of Rivets on Compressive Strength of Panels With Z-Section Stiffeners 1 - Panels With Close Stiffener Spacing That Fail by Local Buckling

Effect of Water-Alcohol Injection and Maximum Economy Spark Advance on Knock-Limited Performance and Fuel Economy of a Large Air-Cooled Cylinder

The Effect of Carburetor-Air Temperature on the Cooling Characteristics of a Typical Air-Cooled Engine Cylinder

An Estimate of the Effect of Engine Supercharging on the Take-Off Thrust of a Typical Helicopter at Different Altitudes and Temperatures

Estimation of F-3 and F-4 Knock-Limited Performance Ratings for Ternary and Quaternary Blends Containing Triptane or Other High-Antiknock Aviation-Fuel Blending Agents

Elimination of Galling of Pendulum-Vibration Dampers Used in Aircraft Engines

Endurance Tests of a 22-Inch-Diameter Pulse-Jet Engine With a Neoprene-Coated Valve Grid

Effects of Wing and Nacelle Modifications on Drag and Wake Characteristics of a Bomber-Type Airplane Model

Estimation of the Performance and Longitudinal Stability and Control of a Lifting-Body Type of Cargo Airplane From Tests of Simplified Models

Evaluation of the Induced-Velocity Field of an Idealized Helicopter Rotor

Effect of Increasing the Size of the Valve-Guide Boss on the Exhaust-Valve Temperature and the Volumetric Efficiency of an Aircraft Cylinder

Effect of NACA Injection Impeller and Ducted Head Baffles on Flight Cooling Performance of Double-Row Radial Engine in Four-Engine Heavy Bomber

The Effect of Modified Baffles and Auxiliary-Cooling Ducts on the Cooling of a Double-Row Radial Engine

Effect of NACA Injection Impeller on Mixture Distribution of Double-Row Radial Aircraft Engine

The Effect of Six Aromatic Amines on the Preignition-Limited Performance of 28-R Aviation Fuel in a CFR Engine

The Effect of Valve Clearance on Knock-Limited Performance and Engine Cooling

The Effect of the Skis on the Power-Off Stability Characteristics of a Twin-Engine Cargo Airplane

Published Year



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