Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
The Galvanic Corrosion Theory for Adherence of Porcelain-Enamel Ground Coats to Steel
Relation Between Roughness of Interface and Adherence of Porcelain Enamel to Steel
Appraisal of Hazards to Human Survival in Airplane Crash Fires
Supersonic Flow Past Oscillating Airfoils Including Nonlinear Thickness Effects
A Rapid Method for Use in Design of Turbines Within Specified Aerodynamic Limits
Flow Properties of Strong Shock Waves in Xenon Gas as Determined for Thermal Equilibrium Conditions
Counting Methods and Equipment for Mean-Value Measurements in Turbulence Research
Deflection of Delta Wings Having a Carry-Through-Bay Chord Smaller than the Wing Root Chord
Analysis of Multicell Delta Wings on Cal-Tech Analog Computer
The Condensation Line of Air and the Heats of Vaporization of Oxygen and Nitrogen
Some Problems on the Theory of Creep
A New Simple Interferometer for Obtaining Quantitatively Evaluable Flow Patterns
On Transonic Flow Past a Wave-Shaped Wall
On the Theory of the Turbulent Boundary Layer
An Investigation of Continuous Boundary-Layer Removal in an Axial Flow Compressor With Porous Walls
Investigation of Effects of Grain Size Upon Engine Life of Cast AMS 5385 Gas Turbine Blades
Investigation of Blade Failures in a J34, Eleven-Stage Axial-Flow Compressor
Horizontal-Tail Load Measurements at Transonic Speeds of the Bell X-1 Research Airplane
Fuselage Pressures Measured on the Bell X-1 Research Airplane in Transonic Flight
Formulas for the Elastic Constants of Plates With Integral Waffle-Like Stiffening
Flow Diffusion in a Constant-Diameter Duct Downstream of an Abruptly Terminated Center Body
An Investigation at Mach Number 2.40 of Flap-Type Controls Equipped With Overhang Nose Balances