Browse TRAIL Inventories

The Galvanic Corrosion Theory for Adherence of Porcelain-Enamel Ground Coats to Steel

Relation Between Roughness of Interface and Adherence of Porcelain Enamel to Steel

Appraisal of Hazards to Human Survival in Airplane Crash Fires

Supersonic Flow Past Oscillating Airfoils Including Nonlinear Thickness Effects

Estimation of Forces and Moments Due to Rolling for Several Slender-Tail Configurations at Supersonic Speeds

A Rapid Method for Use in Design of Turbines Within Specified Aerodynamic Limits

Flow Properties of Strong Shock Waves in Xenon Gas as Determined for Thermal Equilibrium Conditions

Counting Methods and Equipment for Mean-Value Measurements in Turbulence Research

Deflection of Delta Wings Having a Carry-Through-Bay Chord Smaller than the Wing Root Chord

The Effects of Camber on the Variation with Mach Number of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 10-Percent-Thick Modified NACA Four-Digit-Series Airfoil Section

Analysis of Multicell Delta Wings on Cal-Tech Analog Computer

An Analytical Investigation of the Effect of the Rate of Increase of Turbulent Kinetic Energy in the Stream Direction on the Development of Turbulent Boundary Layers in Adverse Pressure Gradients

The Condensation Line of Air and the Heats of Vaporization of Oxygen and Nitrogen

Some Problems on the Theory of Creep

A New Simple Interferometer for Obtaining Quantitatively Evaluable Flow Patterns

On Transonic Flow Past a Wave-Shaped Wall

On the Theory of the Turbulent Boundary Layer

An Investigation of Continuous Boundary-Layer Removal in an Axial Flow Compressor With Porous Walls

Investigation of Effects of Grain Size Upon Engine Life of Cast AMS 5385 Gas Turbine Blades

Investigation of Blade Failures in a J34, Eleven-Stage Axial-Flow Compressor

Investigation of Reynolds Number Effects for a Series of Cone-Cylinder Bodies at Mach Numbers of 1.62, 1.93, and 2.41

Investigation of an Axial-Flow Compressor Rotor Having Naca High-Speed Blade Sections (A(Sub 2)I(Sub 8B) Series) at Mean Radius Relative Inlet Mach Numbers Up to 1.13

Method of Estimating the Incompressible-Flow Pressure Distribution of Compressor Blade Sections at Design Angle of Attack

Flight Measurement of Aerodynamic Loads and Moments on an External Store Mounted Under the Wing of a Swept-Wing Fighter-Type Airplane

Gust-Tunnel Investigation to Determine Effects of Center-of-Gravity Position on the Gust Loads of a Delta-Wing Model With Leading Edge Swept Back 60 Degrees

Gust-Tunnel Investigation of the Effect of Leading Edge Separation on the Normal Accelerations Experienced by a 45 Degree Sweptback-Wing Model in Gusts

Investigation of the NACA 1.167-(0)(03)-058 and NACA 1.167-(0)(05)-058 Three-Blade Propellers at Forward Mach Numbers to 0.92 Including Effects of Thrust-Axis Inclination

Measurements of Aerodynamic Characteristics at Transonic Speeds of an Unswept and Untapered NACA 65-009 Airfoil Model of Aspect Ratio 3 With 1/4-Chord Plain Flap by the NACA Wing-Flow Method

Investigation of the Effects of Wing and Tail Modifications on the Low-Speed Stability Characteristics of a Model Having a Thin 40 Degree Swept Wing of Aspect Ratio 3.5

Investigation of the Effect of Chordwise Positioning and Shape of an Underwing Nacelle on the High-Speed Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 45 Degree Sweptback Tapered-in-Thickness-Ratio Wing of Aspect Ratio 6

Investigation of Spoilers at a Mach Number of 1.93 to Determine the Effects of Height and Chordwise Location on the Section Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Two-Dimensional Wing

Investigation of Turbines for Driving Supersonic Compressors 5: Design and Performance of Third Configuration With Nontwisted Rotor Blades

Investigation of Turbines for Driving Supersonic Compressors 3: First Configuration With Four Nozzle Settings and One Nozzle Modification

Investigation of Turbines for Driving Supersonic Compressors 4: Design and Performance of Second Configuration Including Study of Three-Dimensional Flow Effects

Analysis of Heat Transfer and Fluid Friction for Fully Developed Turbulent Flow of Supercritical Water With Variable Fluid Properties in a Smooth Tube

The Influence of a Change in Body Shape on the Effects of Twist and Camber as Determined by a Transonic Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing-Fuselage Configuration

Free-Spinning-Tunnel Investigation to Determine the Effect on Spins and Recoveries of Wing Leading-Edge Chord-Extensions and Drooped Leading-Edge Flaps on Scale Models of Two Sweptback-Wing Fighter Airplanes

Free-Fall Measurements of the Effects of Wing-Body Interference on the Transonic Drag Characteristics of Swept-Wing-Slender-Body Configurations

A Free-Flight Investigation at Zero Lift in the Mach Number Range Between 0.7 and 1.4 to Determine the Effectiveness of an Inset Tab as a Means of Aerodynamically Relieving Aileron Hinge Moments

The Influence of the Control-Surface-Servo Natural Frequency Upon the Transient Characteristics of a Flight-Path-Angle Control System Incorporating a Supersonic Missile

Horizontal-Tail Load Measurements at Transonic Speeds of the Bell X-1 Research Airplane

Fuselage Pressures Measured on the Bell X-1 Research Airplane in Transonic Flight

Flight Measurements of Pressures on Base and Rear Part of Fuselage of the Bell X-1 Research Airplane at Transonic Speeds, Including Power Effects

Flight Measurements of Lift and Drag for the Bell X-1 Research Airplane Having a 10-Percent-Thick Wing

Formulas for the Elastic Constants of Plates With Integral Waffle-Like Stiffening

Flow Diffusion in a Constant-Diameter Duct Downstream of an Abruptly Terminated Center Body

An Investigation at Mach Number 2.40 of Flap-Type Controls Equipped With Overhang Nose Balances

An Investigation at Transonic Speeds of the Effects of Fences, Drooped Nose, and Vortex Generators on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Wing-Fuselage Combination Having a 6-Percent-Thick, 45 Degree Sweptback Wing

Investigation at Low Speed of the Flow Field Behind the Lifting Surfaces of a Model Equipped With a 60 Degree Triangular Wing and a 60 Degree Triangular Canard Tail

Investigation at Mach Numbers of 1.62, 1.93, and 2.41 of the Effect of Oscillation Amplitude on the Damping in Pitch of Delta-Wing-Body Combinations

Published Year



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