Browse TRAIL Inventories

Investigations of Tumbling Characteristics of a 1/20-Scale Model of the Northrop N-9M Airplane

Investigation of the Stability and Control Characteristics of a 1/20-Scale Model of the Consolidated Vultee XB-53 Airplane in the Langley Free-Flight Tunnel

Investigation in the Langley 19-foot pressure tunnel of two wings of NACA 65-210 and 64-210 airfoil sections with various type flaps

Investigation of an Experimental Supersonic Axial-Flow Compressor

An Investigation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of an 0.08-Scale Model of the Chance Vought XF7U-1 Airplane in the Langley High-Speed 7- by 10-Foot Tunnel: Part I - Basic Longitudinal Stability Characteristics, TED No. NACA DE308, Part 1, Basic Longitudinal Stability Characteristics, TED No. NACA DE308

An Investigation of the Effects of Sweep on the Characteristics of a High-Aspect-Ratio Wing in the Langley 8-Foot High-Speed Tunnel

An Investigation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of an 0.08-Scale Model of the Chance Vought XF7U-1 Airplane in the Langley High-Speed 7- by 10-Foot Tunnel: Part II - Basic Lateral Stability Characteristics TED No. NACA DE308, Part 2, Basic Lateral Stability Charactistics, TED No. NACA DE308

An Investigation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of an 0.08-Scale Model of the Chance Vought XF7U-1 Airplane in the Langley High-Speed 7- by 10-Foot Tunnel. Part III - Longitudinal-Control Characteristics TED No. NACA DE308, Part 3, Longitudinal-Control Characteristics, TED No. NACA DE308

Flight-Test Evaluation of the Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics of 0.5-Scale Models of the Fairchild Lark Pilotless-Aircraft Configuration: Standard Configuration with Wing Flaps Deflected 60 Degrees and Model having Tail in Line with Wings, TED No. NACA 2387

Flight Tests of Rocket-Powered "Tin-Can" Models of AAF Project MX-800

Stability derivatives of triangular wings at supersonic speeds

Summary of Available Data Relating to Reynolds Number Effects on the Maximum Lift Coefficients of Swept-Back Wings

Langley full-scale-tunnel investigation of the factors affecting the static lateral-stability characteristics of a typical fighter-type airplane

Wind-Tunnel Tests of a 1/4-Scale Model of the Naval Aircraft Factory Float-Wing Convoy Interceptor, TED No. NACA 2314

Wind-Tunnel Tests of the 1/25-Scale Powered Model of the Martin JRM-1 Airplane. 4 - Tests with Ground Board and with Modified Wing and Hull - TED No. NACA 232, Part 4, Tests with Ground Board and with Modified Wing and Hull, TED No. NACA 232

Evaluation of Gust and Draft Velocities from Flights of P-61C Airplanes within Thunderstorms August 17, 1946 to August 19, 1946 at Orlando, Florida

Evaluation of Gust and Draft Velocities from Flights of P-61C Airplanes within Thunderstorms July 22, 1946 to July 23, 1946 at Orlando, Florida

Two-Dimensional Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Modified NACA 65(sub 112)-111 Airfoil with 35-Percent-Chord Slotted Flap to Determine Pitching-Moment Characteristics and Effects of Roughness

Two-Dimensional Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Modified NACA 65(112)-111 Airfoil with 35-Percent-Chord Slotted Flap to Determine Optimum Flap Configuration at Reynolds Number of 2.4 Million

Two-Dimensional Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Modified NACA 65(sub 112)-111 Airfoil with 35-Percent-Chord Slotted Flap at Reynolds Numbers up to 25 Million

Landing Characteristics in Waves of Three Dynamic Models of Flying Boats

Pressure-Distribution Measurements on a Straight and on a 35 Degree Swept-Back Tapered Wing

Voltera's Solution of the Wave Equation as Applied to Three-Dimensional Supersonic Airfoil Problems

A Ram-Jet Engine for Fighters

Effects of a Fuselage on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 42 Degree Sweptback Wing at Reynolds Numbers to 8,000,000

Force and Pressure-Distribution Measurements on a Rectangular Wing With Double-Hinged Nose

Gas-Dynamic Investigations of the Pulse-Jet Tube, Parts 1 and 2

[Memorandums on the Subject of D-558 Airplane]

High-Speed Measurements on a Swept-Back Wing (Sweepback Angle phi = 35 Deg)

The Load Distribution in Bolted or Riveted Joints in Light-Alloy Structures

Effect of Various Methods of Boundary-Layer Control on Performance of V-1710-93 Engine-Stage Supercharger

Effect of Air-Flow Distribution and Total-Pressure Loss on Performance of One-Sixth Segment of Turbojet Combuster

Evaluation of Gust and Draft Velocities from Flights of P-61C Airplanes within Thunderstorms: September 5, 1946 to September 10, 1946 at Orlando, Florida

The Effectiveness at High Speeds of a 20-Percent-Chord Plain Trailing-Edge Flap on the NACA 65-210 Airfoil Section

Effect of Engine Skew on Directional and Lateral Control Characteristics of Single-Engine Airplanes

Drag Corrections in High-Speed Wind Tunnels

Investigation of the Loads on a Conventional Front and Rear Sliding Canopy

Investigation of the Trim Characteristics of a 1/20-Scale Model of the Fleetwings XBTK-1 Airplane over a Wide Range of Angles of Attack

Investigation of X24C-2 10-Stage Axial-Flow Compressor 2: Effect of Inlet-Air Pressure and Temperature of Performance

Investigation of Turbine of Mark 25 Torpedo Power Plant with Five Nozzle Designs

Preliminary Tests of a Burner for Ram-Jet Applications

Preliminary Results of an Altitude-Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a TG-100A Gas Turbine-Propeller Engine 4 - Compressor and Turbine Performance Characteristics

Preliminary Results of an Altitude-Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a TG-100A Gas Turbine-Propeller Engine II - Windmilling Characteristics

Preliminary Results of an Altitude-Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a TG-100A Gas Turbine-Propeller Engine 5 - Combustion-Chamber Characteristics

Performance of the 19XB 10-Stage Axial-Flow Compressor with Altered Blade Angles

Preliminary Results of an Altitude-Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a TG-100A Gas Turbine-Propeller Engine 3 - Pressure and Temperature Distributions

Acceleration Measurements During Landings of a 1/5.5-Size Dynamic Model of the Columbia XJL-1 Amphibian in Smooth Water and in Waves: Langley Tank Model 208M, TED No. NACA 2336

Air-Stream Surveys in the Vicinity of the Tail of a 1/8.33-Scale Powered Model of the Republic XF-12 Airplane

Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Number of Modified NACA Four-Digit-Series Airfoil Sections

Flight Measurements of the Flying Qualities of a Lockheed P-80A Airplane (Army No. 44-85099): Lateral- and Directional-Stability and Control Characteristics

Published Year



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