Browse TRAIL Inventories

Altitude-wind-tunnel investigation of operational characteristics of J47 turbojet engine

A theoretical investigation of the dynamic lateral oscillatory stability of an airplane having a 60 degree triangular wing

Low-speed lateral stability and aileron-effectiveness characteristics at a Reynolds number of 3.5 x 10(exp 6) of a wing with leading-edge sweepback decreasing from 45 degrees at the root to 20 degrees at the tip

The path and motion of scale models of jettisonable nose sections at supersonic speeds as determined from an investigation in the Langley free-flight apparatus

Model flight investigation of a nonlifting winged tow target

Stability characteristics at low speed of a 1/4-scale Bell X-5 airplane model with various modifications to the basic model configurations

Stability and control characteristics of a 1/4-scale Bell X-5 airplane model in the landing configuration

Preliminary investigation of porous walls as a means of reducing tunnel boundary effects at low-supersonic Mach numbers

Preliminary investigation of heat transfer to water flowing in an electrically heated Inconel tube

Pressure measurements at supersonic speeds on a section of a rectangular wing having an NACA 65-009 profile

Stability and control characteristics at low speed of a 1/4-scale Bell X-5 airplane model: Longitudinal stability and control

An analysis of the forces and pressure distribution on a wing with the leading edge swept back 37.25 degrees

Elevator-stabilizer effectiveness and trim of the X-1 airplane to a Mach number of 1.06

Effect of inlet temperature and humidity on thrust augmentation of turbojet engine by compressor-inlet injection

Aerodynamic study of a wing-fuselage combination employing a wing swept back 63 degrees : effectiveness of an elevon as a longitudinal control and the effects of camber and twist on the maximum lift-drag ratio at supersonic speeds

Numerical solution of equations for one-dimensional gas flow in rotating coolant passages

Temperature and pressure distributions in dual parallel jets impinging on the ground from a turbojet engine

Wing-flow measurements of longitudinal stability and control characteristics of a canard airplane configuration with a 45 degree sweptback wing and a triangular all-movable control surface

Wing-dropping characteristics of some straight and swept wings at transonic speeds as determined with rocket-powered models

Wing-flow measurements of longitudinal stability and control characteristics of a supersonic airplane configuration having a 42.8 degree sweptback circular arc wing with aspect ratio 4.0, taper ratio 0.50, and sweptback tail surfaces

Approximate relative-total-pressure losses of an infinite cascade of supersonic blades with finite leading-edge thickness

An experimental investigation of a jet-engine nacelle in several positions on a 37.25 degree swept-back wing

Experimental investigation of a flat plate paddle jet vane operating on a rocket jet

Low-temperature ignition-delay characteristics of several rocket fuels with mixed acid in modified open-cup-type apparatus

Investigation of centrifugal compressor operated as a centripetal refrigeration turbine

Cooling of ram jets and tail-pipe burners : analytical method for determining temperatures of combustion chamber having annular cooling passage

The effects of compressibility on the pressures on a body of revolution and on the aerodynamic characteristics of a wing-nacelle combination consisting of the body of revolution mounted on a swept-back wing

A comparison of the aerodynamic characteristics at transonic speeds of four wing-fuselage configurations as determined from different test techniques

The effect of aspect ratio on the subsonic aerodynamic characteristics of wings with NACA 65(sub 1)-210 sections

Effect of blade-root fit and lubrication on vibration characteristics of ball-root-type axial-flow-compressor blades

A description of the design of highly swept propeller blades

Effect of compressor-outlet bleedoff on turbojet-engine performance

Application of blade cooling to gas turbines

Investigation of downwash and wake characteristics at a Mach number of 1.53 3: swept wings

Wind-tunnel tests of a 0.16-scale model of the X-3 airplane at high subsonic speeds: wing and fuselage pressure distribution

Turbojet combustion efficiency at high altitudes

Pressure-distribution and ram-recovery characteristics of NACA submerged inlets at high subsonic speeds

Comparison of outside-surface heat-transfer coefficients for cascades of turbine blades

Spontaneous ignition temperatures of pure hydrocarbons and commercial fluids

Aeronautical study of a wing-fuselage combination employing a wing swept back 63 degrees: Characteristics at supersonic speeds of a model with the wing twisted and cambered for uniform load

Investigation of the downwash and wake behind a triangular wing of aspect ratio 4 at subsonic and supersonic Mach numbers

Investigation of effects of inlet-air velocity distortion on performance of turbojet engine

Wind-tunnel investigation of a 1/6-scale model of the Bumblebee XPM missile at high subsonic speeds

Wind-tunnel investigation at Mach numbers of 2.0 and 2.9 of several configurations of a supersonic ram-jet test vehicle

Effect of dihedral change on the theoretical dynamic lateral response characteristics of a low-aspect-ratio straight-wing supersonic airplane

Investigation of effect of span and spanwise location of plain and stepped spoiler ailerons on lateral control characteristics of a wing with leading edge swept back 51.3 degrees

Factors in selecting fuels for gas-turbine powered aircraft

Extension of boundary-layer heat-transfer theory to cooled turbine blades

Experimental investigation of thrust augmentation of 4000-pound-thrust axial-flow-type turbojet engine by interstage injection of water-alcohol mixtures in compressor

Experimental investigation of thrust augmentation of 4000-pound-thrust centrifugal-flow-type turbojet engine by bleedoff

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