Browse TRAIL Inventories

An analysis of axial- and centrifugal-flow turbojet-engine performance with variable-area exhaust nozzle

Analysis of a Nuclear-Powered Liquid-Metal Ducted-Fan Cycle

Analysis of a liquid-metal turbine-propeller cycle for propulsion of low-speed nuclear-powered aircraft

Bodies of Revolution for Minimum Drag at High Supersonic Airspeeds

Effect of trailing edge thickness on lift at supersonic velocities

Effect of water vapor on combustion of magnesium hydrocarbon slurry fuels in small-scale afterburner

The effect of various aerodynamic balances on the low-speed lateral-control and hinge-moment characteristics of a 0.20-chord partial-span outboard aileron on a wing with leading edge swept back 51.3 degrees

The effective downwash characteristics at transonic speeds of a 6-percent-thick wing with 47 degrees of sweepback in combination with a cylindrical body as determined from force measurements of a horizontal tail

Effects of internal configuration on afterburner shell temperatures

Effect of fuel properties on carbon deposition in atomizing and prevaporizing turbojet combustors

The effects of tip-mounted jet nacelles on the transonic characteristics of low-aspect-ratio wings

Effects of three types of blunt trailing edges on the aerodynamic characteristics of a plane tapered wing of aspect ratio 3.1, with a 3-percent- thick biconvex section

The effects of sweepback on longitudinal characteristics of a 1/30-scale semispan model of the Bell X-5 airplane as determined from NACA wing-flow tests at transonic speeds

Effects of twist and camber, fences, and horizontal-tail height on the low-speed longitudinal stability characteristics of a wing-fuselage combination with a 45 degree sweptback wing of aspect ratio 8 at a Reynolds number of 4.0 x 10(exp 6)

Experimental and theoretical study of factors influencing the longitudinal stability of an air-to-air missile at a Mach number of 1.4

Experimental investigation of boundary-layer suction through slots to obtain extensive laminar boundary layers on a 15-percent-thick airfoil section at high Reynolds numbers

An experimental cascade study of the effects of a solidity reduction on the two-dimensional aerodynamic characteristics of a turbine-rotor blade suitable for air cooling

Experimental investigation of flow in an annular cascade of turbine nozzle blades of constant discharge angle

Experimental investigation of the effect of forebody bluntness on the pressure recovery and drag of a twin-scoop inlet-body combination at Mach numbers of 1.4 and 1.7

An experimental investigation of the combustion properties of a hydrocarbon fuel and several magnesium and boron slurries

Aerodynamic characteristics at supersonic speeds of a series of wing-body combinations having cambered wings with an aspect ratio of 3.5 and a taper ratio of 0.2 : effect at M = 2.01 of nacelle shape and position on the aerodynamic characteristics in

Aerodynamic characteristics at transonic speeds of a wing having a 45 degree sweep, aspect ratio 8, taper ratio 0.45, and airfoil sections varying from the NACA 63A010 section at the root to the NACA 63A006 section at the tip.

Aerodynamic characteristics extended to high angles of attack at transonic speeds of a small-scale 0 degree sweep wing, 45 degree sweptback wing, and 60 degree delta wing

Aerodynamic characteristics at supersonic speeds of a series of wing-body combinations having cambered wings with an aspect ratio of 3.5 and a taper ratio of 0.2 : effects of sweep angle and thickness ratio on the aerodynamic characteristics in pitch

Aerodynamic characteristics at transonic speeds of a 60 degree delta wing equipped with a constant-chord flap-type control with and without an unshielded horn balance : transonic-bump method

The aerodynamic characteristics at transonic speeds of an all-movable, tapered, 45 degrees sweptback, aspect-ratio-4 tail surface deflected about a skewed hinge axis

Some observations of flow at the throat of a two-dimensional diffuser at a Mach number of 3.85

Skin-friction drag and boundary-layer transition on a parabolic body of revolution (NACA RM-10)at a Mach number of 1.6 in the Langley 4-by-4 foot supersonic pressure tunnel

A small-scale investigation of the effect of spanwise and chordwise positioning of an ogive-cylinder underwing nacelle on the high-speed aerodynamic characteristics of a 45 degree sweptback tapered-in-thickness wing of aspect ratio 6

Some factors affecting fabrication and high-temperature strength of molybdenum disilicide

Single-degree-of-freedom-flutter calculations for a wing in subsonic potential flow and comparison with an experiment

Some stress rupture and creep properties of molybdenum disilicide in the range of 1600 to 2000 F

Results of flight tests to determine the drag of finite-length cylinders at high Reynolds numbers for a Mach number range of 0.5 to 1.3

Survey of some preliminary investigations of supersonic diffusers at high Mach numbers

Tests of a centering spring used as an artificial feel device on the elevator of a fighter airplane

Experimental investigation of air-cooled turbine blades in turbojet engine 11: internal-strut-supported rotor blade

Effects of stabilizing fins and a rear-support sting on the base pressure of a body of revolution in free flight at Mach numbers from 0.7 to 1.3

Effects of wing elasticity on the aerodynamic characteristics of a 45 degree sweptback-wing-fuselage combination measured in the Langley 8-foot transonic tunnel

The effects of oscillation amplitude and frequency on the experimental damping in pitch of a triangular wing having an aspect ratio of 4

Effects of plan form, airfoil section, and angle of attack on the pressures along the base of blunt-trailing-edge wings at Mach numbers of 1.41, 1.62, and 1.96

Effects of horizontal-tail position and aspect ratio on low-speed static longitudinal stability and control characteristics of a 60 degree triangular-wing model having twin triangular all-movable tails

Effects of finite span on the section characteristics of two 45 degree swept-back wings of aspect ratio 6

Free-flight-tunnel investigation of the dynamic lateral stability and control characteristics of a high-aspect-ratio bomber model with a sweptback-wing fighter model attached to each wing tip

A summary and analysis of the low-speed longitudinal characteristics of swept wings at high Reynolds number

A summary and analysis of the low-speed longitudinal characteristics of swept wings at high Reynolds number

A transonic wind-tunnel investigation of the effects of nacelle shape and position on the aerodynamic characteristics of two 47 degree sweptback wing-body configurations

A transonic wind-tunnel investigation of the characteristics of a twisted and cambered 45 degree sweptback wing-fuselage configuration

Summary of methods for calculating dynamic lateral stability and response and for estimating aerodynamic stability derivatives

Altitude performance investigation of single- and double-annular turbojet-engine combustors with various size fuel nozzles

Altitude investigation of three flame-holder and fuel-systems configurations in a short converging afterburner on a turbojet engine

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