Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Method of Characteristics for Three-Dimensional Axially Symmetrical Supersonic Flows
Theoretical study of air forces on an oscillating or steady thin wing in a supersonic main stream
Investigation of the dynamic response of airplane wings to gusts
A unified theory of plastic buckling of columns and plates
Considerations of the Total Drag of Supersonic Airfoil Sections
Airfoil in Sinusoidal Motion in a Pulsating Stream
The 1350 F stress-rupture properties of two wrought alloys and three cast alloys
Wind-Tunnel Tests at Low Speed of Swept and Yawed Wings Having Various Plan Forms
Wind-Tunnel Tests of a 0.182-Scale Model of an F4U-1 Airplane with External Stores
Investigations of Tumbling Characteristics of a 1/20-Scale Model of the Northrop N-9M Airplane
Investigation of an Experimental Supersonic Axial-Flow Compressor
Flight Tests of Rocket-Powered "Tin-Can" Models of AAF Project MX-800
Stability derivatives of triangular wings at supersonic speeds
Landing Characteristics in Waves of Three Dynamic Models of Flying Boats
Pressure-Distribution Measurements on a Straight and on a 35 Degree Swept-Back Tapered Wing
Voltera's Solution of the Wave Equation as Applied to Three-Dimensional Supersonic Airfoil Problems
Force and Pressure-Distribution Measurements on a Rectangular Wing With Double-Hinged Nose
Gas-Dynamic Investigations of the Pulse-Jet Tube, Parts 1 and 2
[Memorandums on the Subject of D-558 Airplane]
High-Speed Measurements on a Swept-Back Wing (Sweepback Angle phi = 35 Deg)
The Load Distribution in Bolted or Riveted Joints in Light-Alloy Structures
Effect of Engine Skew on Directional and Lateral Control Characteristics of Single-Engine Airplanes
Drag Corrections in High-Speed Wind Tunnels
Investigation of the Loads on a Conventional Front and Rear Sliding Canopy