Browse TRAIL Inventories

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Bomb-Bay Configurations Intended to Minimize the Tumbling of Light-Weight Bombs

An Investigation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of an 0.08-Scale Model of the Chance Vought XF7U-1 Airplane in the Langley High-Speed 7- by 10-Foot Tunnel: Part I - Basic Longitudinal Stability Characteristics, TED No. NACA DE308, Part 1, Basic Longitudinal Stability Characteristics, TED No. NACA DE308

An Investigation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of an 0.08-Scale Model of the Chance Vought XF7U-1 Airplane in the Langley High-Speed 7- by 10-Foot Tunnel. Part III - Longitudinal-Control Characteristics TED No. NACA DE308, Part 3, Longitudinal-Control Characteristics, TED No. NACA DE308

An Investigation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of an 0.08-Scale Model of the Chance Vought XF7U-1 Airplane in the Langley High-Speed 7- by 10-Foot Tunnel Part 5 - Wing-Alone Tests and Effect of Modifications to the Vertical Fins, Speed Brakes, and Fuselage TED No. NACA DE308, Part V, Wing-Alone Tests and Effect of Modifications to the Vertical Fins, Speed Brakes, and Fuselage, TED No. NACA DE308

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Static Lateral Stability Characteristics of Wing-Fuselage Combinations at High Subsonic Speeds: Sweep Series

Wind-Tunnel Investigation to Determine the Horizontal- and Vertical-Tail Contributions to the Static Lateral Stability Characteristics of a Complete-Model Swept-Wing Configuration at High Subsonic Speeds

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Effects of a Fence and a Leading-Edge Notch on the Aerodynamic Loading Characteristics in Pitch of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing at High Subsonic Speeds

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Effects of Geometric Dihedral on the Aerodynamic Characteristics in Pitch and Sideslip of an Unswept- and a 45 Degree Sweptback-Wing-Fuselage Combination at High Subsonic Speeds

Wind-Tunnel Investigation to Determine the Aerodynamic Characteristics in Steady Roll of a Model at High Subsonic Speeds

Aerodynamic Characteristics in Pitch and Sideslip at High Subsonic Speeds of a 1/14-Scale Model of the Grumman XF104 Airplane with Wing Sweepback of 42.5 Degrees

Wind-tunnel investigation of the effects of steady rolling on the aerodynamic loading characteristics of a 45©� sweptback wing at high subsonic speeds

Aerodynamic Loading Characteristics in Sideslip of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing With and Without a Fence at High Subsonic Speeds

Preliminary investigation of the effectiveness of a sliding flap in deflecting a propeller slipstream downward for vertical take-off

Wind-tunnel investigation to determine the horizontal- and vertical-tail contributions to the static lateral stability characteristics of a complete-model swept-wing configuration at high subsonic speeds

Wind-tunnel investigation of effect of propeller slipstreams on aerodynamic characteristics of a wing equipped with a 50-percent-chord sliding flap and a 30-percent-chord slotted flap

Effects of Propeller Position and Overlap on the Slipstream Deflection Characteristics of a Wing-Propeller Configuration Equipped With a Sliding and Fowler Flap

Published Year

