Browse TRAIL Inventories

Large-Scale Flight Measurements of Zero-Lift Drag at Mach Numbers from 0.90 to 1.95 of 1/14-Scale Model of the Northrop MX-775B Pilotless Aircraft with Small Body

Large-Scale Flight Measurements of Zero-Lift Drag at Mach Numbers from 0.87 to 1.39 of 1/10-Scale Models of the Northrop MX-775A Missile

Jet effects on pressures and drags of bodies

Large-Scale Flight Measurements of Zero-Lift Drag at Mach Numbers from 0.90 to 1.95 of an Arrow Wing in Combination with a Small Body

Flight determination of the longitudinal stability of a 1/10-scale rocket-powered model of the Northrop MX-775A missile at low lift coefficients and Mach numbers from 0.89 to 1.34

Use of an Aerodynamically Pulsed All-Movable Horizontal Tail to Obtain Longitudinal Characteristics of Rocket-Powered Models in Free Flight and Some Initial Results From an Arrow-Wing-Body-Tail Configuration

Rocket-Powered Model Investigation of Lift, Drag, and Stability of a Body-Tail Configuration at Mach Numbers From 0.8 to 2.3 and Angles of Attack Between Plus or Minus 6.5 Degrees

Lift, drag, and longitudinal stability at Mach numbers from 1.4 to 2.3 of a rocket-powered model having a 52.5 degree sweptback wing of aspect ratio 3 and inline tail surfaces

Lift, drag, and longitudinal stability at Mach numbers from 0.8 to 2.1 of a rocket-powered model having a tapered unswept wing of aspect ratio 3 and inline tail surfaces

Effect of wing camber and twist at Mach numbers from 1.4 to 2.1 on the lift, drag, and longitudinal stability of a rocket-powered model having a 52.5 degree sweptback wing of aspect ratio 3 and inline tail surfaces

Supersonic Investigation of the Lift, Drag, Static Stability, and Hinge-Moment Characteristics of a Rocket-Powered Model of a Ballistic-Missile Configuration

Supersonic Investigation of the Lift, Drag, Static Stability, and Hinge-Moment Characteristics of a Rocket-Powered Model of a Ballistic-Missile Configuration

Effects of wing warp on the lift, drag, and static longitudinal stability characteristics of an aircraft configuration having an arrow wing of aspect ratio 1.86 at Mach numbers from 1.1 to 1.7

Supersonic aerodynamic characteristics of a low-drag aircraft configuration having an arrow wing of aspect ratio 1.86 and a body of fineness ratio 20

Published Year
