Browse TRAIL Inventories

The recovery of Cs¹³⁷ from ORNL radiochemical waste

Laboratory studies on the ground disposal of ORNL intermediate-level liquid radioactive wastes

Development of a continuous ion exchange process for the removal and recovery of high-purity cesium from alkaline waste

Radioactivity in silt of the Clinch and Tennessee Rivers

A thermal problem associated with underground storage of radioactive wastes

Decontamination testing of highly contaminated protective coatings

Reduction of liquid radioactive wastes to solids :scouting tests

Evaluation of ultimate disposal methods for liquid and solid radioactive wastes.

Evaluation of ultimate disposal methods for liquid and solid radioactive wastes :shipment of calcined solids

Recovery of fission products from waste solutions by solvent extraction

Engineering studies on pot calcination for ultimate disposal of nuclear waste from the TBP-25, Darex, and Purex processes.

Evaluation of ultimate disposal methods for liquid and solid radioactive wastes.

Laboratory development of processes for fixation of high-level radioactive wastes in glassy solids :wastes containing (1) aluminum nitrate and (2) the nitrates of the constituents of stainless steel

Published Year

