Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
On electric focusing in the fixed frequency cyclotron
The Oak Ridge 86-inch cyclotron
Spatial distribution of current on an internal cyclotron target
Application of thermocouples to target temperature measurement in the internal beam of a cyclotron
Isolation of carrier-free Mn⁵⁴ and I¹²⁵ from cyclotron targets
An investigation of the resonant properties of short exponentially and linearly tapered lines
Cyclotrons and high-energy accelerators -1958
The Oak Ridge relativistic isochronous cyclotron
A square-wave cyclotron oscillator
Computation methods for AVF cyclotron design studies
An IBM-704 code for studying particle orbits in cyclotron fields
Residual radiation of the LRL 184-inch cyclotron
Self-supported cyclotron targets of boron and magnesium
A strong-focusing cyclotron with separated orbits