Browse TRAIL Inventories

Preparation of high-purity yttrium by metallic reduction of yttrium trichloride

Pyrolysis of five salts of yttrium, lanthanum and cerium

Metallothermic reduction of yttrium halides

Yttrium behavior in rare-earth-amine extraction systems and effect of sequestrants

Thermodynamic properties of yttrium metal and iron pentacarbonyl at high temperatures

Some effects of yttrium and rare-earth-metal additions on electrorefined vanadium

Solvent extraction recovery of thorium and yttrium from siliceous Colorado ores

Extraction and separation of rare-earth elements and yttrium with dodecyl phosphoric acid-kerosine solvent

Thermoelectric properties of yttrium selenides and tellurides

Reconnaissance of yttrium and rare-earth resources in northern New Jersey

Reaction rate of solid yttrium metal with molten lithium fluoride

Phase diagram for the KF-YF₃ system

Phase relations in the alkaline earth fluoride-yttria systems :(in three parts).

Yttria and dysprosia as high-temperature thermistor materials

The rare-earth elements, yttrium, and thorium;a materials survey,

Published Year

