Browse TRAIL Inventories

An electrolytic method of preventing corrosion of iron and steel

Corrosion under oil films, with special reference to the cause and prevention of the after-corrosion of firearms

Corrosion of steel by gases containing traces of hydrogren sulphide :effect of pressure and moisture conditions

Return-line corrosion in federal heating systems

Corrosion study of the hot-carbonate system

High-temperature corrosion studies :nickel and cobalt in air and oxygen

Use of depleted uranium for cathodic protection

High-temperature corrosion studies :Influence of yttrium on oxidation of nickel at 1,200⁰C

Effect of impurity levels on zircaloy 2 microstructure, mechanical properties, and corrosion rates

Corrosion resistance of diborides in the pseudobinary system TiB₂-CrB₂

Effects of substituting cobalt for nickel on the corrosion resistance of two types of stainless steel

Variables in the use of hot-finished mild steel coupons for corrosion inhibitor testing

Formation of surface sulfides on iron through reaction with sulfur

Linear polarization measurements at high temperatures in hypersaline geothermal brines

Corrosion studies in brines of the Salton Sea geothermal field

Electrochemical corrosion and film analysis studies of Fe and Fe-18Cr in IN H₂SO₄

Corrosion resistance of materials in the aqueous hydrochloric acid environments associated with the recovery of alumina from kaolinitic clays

The solubility of methane, carbon dioxide, and oxygen in brines from 0⁰ to 300⁰ c

Corrosion of selected metals and a high-temperature thermoplastic in hypersaline geothermal brine

Materials of construction for high-salinity geothermal brines

Published Year

