Browse TRAIL Inventories

Preliminary investigation of the effects of heat transfer on boundary-layer transition on a parabolic body of revolution (NACA RM-10) at a Mach number of 1.61

Free-flight measurements of aerodynamic heat transfer to Mach number 3.9 and of drag to Mach number 6.9 of a fin-stabilized cone-cylinder configuration

Effect of diameter of closed-end coolant passages on natural-convection water cooling of gas-turbine blades

Effect of blade-tip crossover passages on natural-convection water-cooling of gas-turbine blades

Preliminary results from a free-flight investigation of boundary-layer transition and heat transfer on a highly polished 8-inch-diameter hemisphere-cylinder at Mach numbers up to 3 and Reynolds numbers based on a length of 1 foot up to 17.7 x 10⁶

Heat transfer to bodies at angles of attack

Correlation of turbulent heat transfer in a tube for the dissociating system N204 reversibly yields 2N02

Heat-transfer measurements in free flight at Mach numbers up to 14.6 on a flat-faced conical nose with a total angle of 29©�

Heat transfer and pressure measurement on a 5-inch hemispherical concave nose at a Mach number of 2.0

Published Year

