Browse TRAIL Inventories

Investigations at supersonic speeds of 22 triangular wings representing two airfoil sections for each of 11 apex angles

Investigation of spoiler ailerons for use as speed brakes or glide-path controls on two NACA 65-series wings equipped with full-span slotted flaps

Effects of Mach number up to 0.34 and Reynolds number up to 8,000,000 on the maximum lift coefficient of a wing of NACA 66-series airfoil sections

Lateral-control investigation of flap-type controls on a wing with quarter-chord line sweptback 35©�, aspect ratio 4, taper ratio 0.6, and NACA 65A006 airfoil section.Transonic-bump method

Initial experimental investigation of the aerodynamic load on the wing of a model caused by a blast-induced gust that increases the angle of attack into the stall region

Wind-tunnel investigation of damping in roll at supersonic speeds of triangular wings at angles of attack

Low-speed static stability characteristics of a cambered-delta-wing model

Effects of wing-tip droop on the longitudinal characteristics of two highly swept wing-body combinations at Mach numbers from 0.6 to 1.4

Published Year

