Browse TRAIL Inventories

Air-flow surveys in the vicinity of representative NACA 1-series cowlings

Tests of a small-scale NACA submerged inlet at transonic Mach numbers

A survey of methods for turbojet thrust measurement applicable to flight installation

Preliminary attempts at isothermal compression of a supersonic air stream

Investigation at supersonic and subsonic Mach numbers of auxiliary inlets supplying secondary air flow to ejector exhaust nozzles

Criteria for initial flow reversal in symmetrical twin-intake air-induction systems operating at supersonic speeds

Effects of wing-body geometry on the lateral-flow angularities at subsonic speeds

A variable-geometry annular cascade-type inlet at Mach numbers of 1.9 and 3.05

Theoretical analysis of total-pressure loss and airflow distribution for tubular turbojet combustors with constant annulus and liner cross-sectional areas

Investigation of an asymmetric "penshape" exit having circular projections and discharging into quiescent air

An inlet design concept to reduce flow distortion at angle of attack

Comparison of experimentally and analytically determined windmilling characteristics of a compressor with low over-all pressure ratio

Investigation of fixed-geometry supersonic inlets with bypass ducts for matching turbojet-engine air-flow requirements over a range of transonic and supersonic speeds

Published Year

