Browse TRAIL Inventories

Geophysical methods of prospecting :a brief and elementary account of the principles involved

Geophysical investigations at Caribou, Colo.

Oil prospecting in Kentucky by resistivity methods,

Results of some magnetic measurements on dikes,with experiments upon geophysical differentiation of nickel-ore deposits in the Sudbury district, Ontario, Canada

A magnetic study of some iron deposits


Patents on geophysical prospecting issued in the United States, England, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, and Russia

The design of small wooden head frames

Prospect trenching with caterpillar-mounted angledozers

A method for surveying drill holes by oriented drill rods

A study of fault determinations by geophysical methods in the fluorspar areas of Western Kentucky

Guide to prospecting for lode gold

How to mine and prospect for placer gold

Published Year

