Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Methods for the determination of water in petroleum and its products
Heavy oil as fuel for internal-combustion engines
Possible causes of the decline of oil wells and suggested methods of prolonging yield
Proposed regulations for the drilling of gas and oil wells
Rate-of-production curve and its application to the valuation of oil properties
Some items of investment, expense, and profit in commercial shale-oil production
Relation of drilling campaign to income from oil properties
Properties of typical crude oils from the producing fields of Kansas
Properties of typical crude oils from the producing fields of Oklahoma
Methods for determining sediment in fuel oils
Survey of Pacific Coast petroleum products
Lifting costs at oil well properties
The treatment of natural-gas gasoline to meet the doctor test
Methods of decreasing evaporation losses of petroleum
Detection of small quantities of petroleum vapor with the Burrell methane indicator
Properties of typical crude oils from the producing fields of the western hemisphere
The disposal of petroleum foots oil
Fatalities in the California petroleum industry during the calendar year 1925
Effects of the corona discharge on petroleum
Identification of oil-field waters by chemical analysis
Methods of dealing with paraffin troubles encountered in producing crude oil
Studies in the fractional distillation of crude petroleum
Survey of gravities of domestic crudes
Resistivity measurements of oil-bearing beds
Solubility and liberation of gas from natural oil-gas solutions
Use of airplanes in mining and petroleum operations (abstract)
Desalting crude petroleum :a review of the literature
Photomicroscopy of salt in petroleum,
Composition of petroleum :properties of distillates to 600⁰ F.
Convertol process of coal-slurry treatment
Velocity of sound in petroleum reservoir rocks and other mediums :a bibliography