Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Talc mining and milling at Madoc, Ontario
Hot high-nitrogen gas in a metal mine
Work of the Alaska Mining Experiment Station of the U.S. Bureau of Mines
Rock strata gases in mines of the East Tintic mining district, Utah
Rock strata gases in mines of a Nevada mining district
Economic combustion of waste fuels
Umber, sienna, and other brown earth pigments
The splicing of rubber-sheathed trailing cables
A mechanically driven level rock tunnel
Abstracts of recent articles on mine support
Growth and development of nonmetallic mineral industries
The present status of the mineral industry
Dry cells and their application to mining
How can the Bureau of Mines best serve mining? (the Bureau and the South)
Use of airplanes in mining and petroleum operations (abstract)
Leasing system as applied to metal mining
Mining methods and costs at the Eureka Standard mine
Minor mineral fertilizer materials
Suggested methods for the reduction of mine accidents from the viewpoint of the safety engineer
Shifts in sources of chromite supply
The new Bureau of Mines Southern Experiment Station at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Electric signaling system, Ross shaft, Homestake Mining Co.
Earth vibrations caused by mine blasting :progress report 2
The Bureau of Mines and mineral utilization
Effect of angle of drilling on dust dissemination
Strategic minerals investigations :procedure followed by the Bureau of Mines
Nonmetallic mineral industries in 1939
Limestone and dolomite in the chemical and processing industries
A quarter century of mechanized mining:notes on permissibility
Stemming in metal mines :progress report 7
Prospect trenching with caterpillar-mounted angledozers
Diamond-drilling blast holes, eastern Magnetite Mine A
Blue Bell fluorite deposits, Beaver County, Utah
Good Fortune Iron Mine, Platte County, Wyo.
The determination of low concentrations of hydrogen sulfide in gas by the methylene blue method
Development of a rotary test drill
Recovery of ultrafine mineral values :a progress report
Industrial engineering practice at selected metal mines in western states
Computing reserves of mineral deposits:principles and conventional methods