Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
The ores of copper, lead, gold and silver
Leaching copper ores :advantages of wet-charging
Extraction of soluable copper from ores in leaching by percolation
Factors involved in the heap leaching of copper ores
Acid leaching of oxidized copper ores by downward percolation
Use of various salts as copper-volatilizing agents in the segregation process
Leaching Michigan copper ore and mill tailings with acidified ferric sulfate
Polynomial surface fitting using sample data from an underground copper deposit
Design of drill-hole grid spacings for evaluating low-grade copper deposits
Effect of ammonia in cyanide solution on copper extraction from a Michigan ore
Leach-precipitation-flotation studies on Red Bed copper ore using controlled atmosphere
Tritiated water as a tracer in the dump leaching of copper
The Economics of byproduct metals(in two parts). 1. Copper system
Detecting and sorting disseminated native copper ores
Prompt copper recovery from mine strip waste
Electrothermal fracture of copper shale
In situ leaching research in a copper deposit at the Emerald Isle mine
Recovery of rutile from a porphyry copper tailings sample
Potential for recovery of rutile and other byproducts from western copper tailings
Application of petrographic techniques to assess in situ leach mining potential