Browse TRAIL Inventories

Sand filling in stopes

Safety organizations in Arizona copper mines

Mining practice at Morenci Branch, Phelps Dodge Corporation, Morenci, Ariz.

Mining methods and costs at the Magma Mine, Superior, Ariz.

Concentrator methods and costs at the Hayden Plant of the Nevada Consolidated Copper Co., Arizona

Mining methods at the Old Dominion Mine, Globe, Ariz.

Mining methods and costs at the New Cornelia Branch, Phelps Dodge Corporation, Ajo, Ariz.

Statistical microscopic examination of mill products of the Copper Queen concentrator, of the Phelps Dodge Corporation, Bisbee, Ariz.

Design, equipment, and construction costs of Davis-Dunkirk concentrator, Prescott, Ariz.

Milling and smelting operations of the Magma Copper Co., Superior, Ariz.

Safety practices in churn drilling at Morenci Branch, Phelps Dodge Corp, Morenci, Ariz.

Use of visual aids in the Morenci Branch safety program, Phelps Dodge Corp., Morenci, Ariz.

Mining methods and practices at the Johnson Camp Copper-Zinc Mine, Coronado Copper & Zinc Co., Cochise County, Arizona.

Analysis of the geometry of fractures in San Manuel Copper Mine, Arizona

Time required in developing selected Arizona copper mines

Published Year

