Browse TRAIL Inventories

Coke-oven accidents in the United States during the calendar year 1919

Coke-oven accidents in the United States :during the calendar year 1920

Coke-oven accidents in the United States :during the calendar year 1921

Coke-oven accidents in the United States during the calendar year 1922

Coke-oven accidents in the United States :during the calendar year 1923

Coke-oven accidents in the United States :during the calendar year 1924

Coke-oven accidents in the United States :during the calendar year 1925

Coke-oven accidents in the United States :during the calendar year 1926

Coke-oven accidents in the United States :during the calendar year 1927

Coke-oven accidents in the United States :during the calendar year 1930

Coke-oven accidents in the United States during the calendar year 1931

Coke-oven accidents in the United States :during the calendar year 1932

Coke-oven accidents in the United Statesduring the calendar year 1939

Coke-oven accidents in the United States during the calendar year 1938

Coke-oven accidents in the United Statesduring the calendar year 1940

Modern beehive coke-oven practice.

Coke-oven accidents in the United States :calendar year 1941

Coke-oven accidents in the United States :calendar year 1942

Coke-oven accidents in the United States :calendar year 1943

Control of bulk densities in coke ovens :studies on precision and application of various testing methods

Development of new, experimental coke oven

Carbonizing procedures with new experimental coke oven

Carbonizing tests in Tuscaloosa oven :properties of wet- and dry-quenched cokes

Use of sole-heated oven for studies of coal expansion and coke formation

Studies of coke oven width, flue temperature, and coking rate :critical survey of literature ; carbonizing tests with Tuscaloosa oven

Carbonizing tests with Tuscaloosa oven :hardness of cokes from blends containing added inerts

Carbonizing tests with Tuscaloosa oven :studies of pushing pressures

Published Year

