Browse TRAIL Inventories

Laboratory Studies of the Trent Process

The sizing action of a coal-washing table

Influence of washing coal on coke properties and on gas and by- product yields

Some experimental data on the influence of dry and wet cleaning on coke properties and on gas and by-product yields of Pittsburgh and Mary Lee coals

The effect of certain operating variables on the efficiency of the coal-washing table

Re-treatment of Sayreton jig middlings on coal-washing tables

Concentration of the rake discharge from a bowl classifier in a washing plant of the Mesabi Range, Minnesoda

Washability studies of the Brookwood Bed at the Warrior View Mine, Tuscaloosa, Ala.

Washability data on certain coal beds of Alabama with special reference to sulphur elimination

Re-treatment of fine washed coal from the Black Creek and Mary Lee Beds on coal washing tables

Pneumatic tabling of coal :effect of specific gravity, size, and shape

Washability studies of Blue Creek Bed at Connellsville Mine, Connellsville, Ala.

Washability studies of Mary Lee Bed at Powhatan Mine, Powhatan, Ala.

Washability studies of coal from the Mary Lee Bed at the Bankhead Mine, Bankhead, Ala.

The cleaning of fine coal from the Mary Lee Bed at the Porter Mine

Flotation processes for cleaning fine coal

Washability studies of coal from the Henry Ellen Bed at Acmar No. 5 Mine, Acmar, Ala.

Table cleaning of fine coal from the Thompson and Woodstock beds of the Cahaba Field, Alabama

Performance of a pulsator-type coal-washing jig

Performance of a Baum-type coal-washing jig

A washability study of the Black Creek Coal bed at Yolande No. 6, Rockcastle, Ala.

Classification and tabling of table middlings at the Colta Coal Washery, Flat Creek, Ala.

Flocculation as an aid in the clarification of coal washery water

Low-gravity float-and-sink separations of bituminous-coal samples

Washability characteristics and washing of coals from the Matanuska field of Alaska

A combination cleaning and dewatering process for treating fine sizes of coal :preliminary report

Recent developments in combination cleaning and dewatering of fine sizes of coal

Statistical data on the mechanical cleaning of bituminous coal in the United States

Laboratory evaluation of vacuum flotation for cleaning coal fines

Some practical aspects of appraising coal-washing results

Cleaning characteristics and cleaning tests of Montana coal

Dense-medium pilot-plant performance tests on coal

The role of viscosity in dense-medium coal cleaning

Preparation characteristics of coal from Bell County, Ky.

Laboratory cleaning trials on a Pennsylvania anthracite in a baum-type jig and a dense-medium pilot plant

Operating results with the feldspar fine-coal jig

Plant performance tests of the tromp dense-medium coal-cleaning process

Washability characteristics of Mammoth and Holmes vein anthracites

Preparation characteristics of coal from Boone County, W. Va.

Washability examinations of coals from the Rocky Mountain and Pacific coast states

Washability of coals from the Matanuska Valley and Beluga River fields, Alaska

Performance of tables in cleaning Alaska coals

Washability characteristics of the lower Hartshorne (Spadra) coalbed near Clarksville, Ark.

Evaluation of washery performance

Performance of Baum jigs in treating Rocky Mountain coals

Performance characteristics of coal-washing equipment :concentrating tables

Washability studies and cleaning trials on coals from Pierce County, Wash.

Froth flotation washability data of various Appalachian coals using the timed release analysis technique

Performance characteristics of coal-washing equipment :sand cones

Performance characteristics of coal-washing equipment :dense-medium coarse-coal vessels

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