Browse TRAIL Inventories

The sizing action of a coal-washing table

Statistical analysis of the progress in mechanical cleaning of bituminous coal from 1927 to 1934

An explanation of washability curves for the interpretation of float-and-sink data on coal

A washability study of the Black Creek Coal bed at Yolande No. 6, Rockcastle, Ala.

Classification and tabling of table middlings at the Colta Coal Washery, Flat Creek, Ala.

A combination cleaning and dewatering process for treating fine sizes of coal :preliminary report

Recent developments in combination cleaning and dewatering of fine sizes of coal

Preparation characteristics of coal from Clearfield County Pa.

Laboratory evaluation of vacuum flotation for cleaning coal fines

Recovery of coal from washery refuse :some examples of the effect of continuous mining machines on preparation problems

Use of pulverized rock as dense medium for salvaging coal from Pittsburgh-bed refuse

Operating results with the feldspar fine-coal jig

Preparation characteristics of coal from Dickenson County, Va.

Preparation characteristics of coal from Greene County, Pa.

Flocculation as an aid to filtration of coal slurry

Kerosine flotation of coal :semicommercial studies of cell performance

Preparation characteristics of coal from Allegheny County, Pa.

Preparation characteristics of coal from Washington County, Pa.

Using radiant heat to reduce filter-cake moisture in coal preparation

Preparation characteristics of coal from Marion County, W. Va.

Selectivities of laboratory flotation and float-sink separations of coal

Fine-screening of coal :testing of the sieve bend

Preparation characteristics of coal from Butler County, Pa.

Crushing chestnut-size anthracite to produce buckwheat no. 1 and rice sizes

Preparation characteristics of coal from Monongalia County, W. Va.

Preparation characteristics of coal from Boone County, W. Va.

Preparation characteristics of coal from Preston County, W. Va.

Laboratory investigation of the effect of temperature on coal flotation

Preparation of ultrathin sections of coal

Using radiant heat to reduce coal filter-cake moisture :results of pilot plant tests

Preparation characteristics of coal from Harrison County, W. Va.

Preparation characteristics of coal from Nicholas County, W. Va.

Removing methane (degasification) from the Pittsburgh coalbed in northern West Virginia

Behavior of clays associated with low-rank coals in coal- cleaning processes

Electrochemical reduction of coal

Preparation characteristics of coal from Mercer County, W. Va.

Use of a sieve bend and a scalping deck with a vibrating screen in dewatering and draining dense medium from fine coal

Preparation characteristics of coal from Kanawha County, W. Va.

Preparation characteristics of coal from Russell County, Va.

Preparation characteristics of coal from Tazewell County, Va.

Cleaning unsized fine coal in a dense-medium cyclone pilot plant

Research and technologic work on Alabama coals :an annotated bibliography

Preparation characteristics of coal from Hancock, Brooke, Ohio, and Marshall counties, W. Va.

Preparation characteristics of coal from Fayette County, W. Va.

Performance characteristics of coal-washing equipment :sand cones

Laboratory investigation of the effect of oxidation on coal flotation

Preparation characteristics of coal from Barbour County, W. Va.

Preparation characteristics of coal from Randolph County, W. Va.

Preparation characteristics of coal from Webster County, W. Va.

Decaking of coals in a fluid bed

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