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Notes on the prevention of dust and gas explosions in coal mines
Suggested safety rules for installing and using electrical equipment in bituminous coal mines
Organizing and conducting safety work in mines
Permissible explosives :tested prior to January 1, 1917
The quick determination of incombustible matter in coal and rock-dust mixtures in mines
State mining laws on the use of electricity in and about coal mines
The economic relation of accidents and preventable diseases to the coal-mining industry
Permissible explosives, mining equipment, and apparatus, approved prior to March 15, 1922
Permissible explosives, mining equipment and apparatus approved prior to January 1, 1923
Permissible explosives, mining equipment, and apparatus approved prior to January 1, 1925
Rock-dust material for coal mines
Safety rules for installing and using electrical equipment in coal mines
Timbering along the robbing line :factors influencing falls of roof in coal mines
Mine safety as affected by electrification
Stop, look and listen! :the roof is going to fall
How are men killed in mines by falls of roof and coal?
One hundred and one questions on electrical inspection in and about mines
Effective rock-dusting of coal mines
Area of unsupported roof in coal mines :conditions and factor[s] for consideration
Coal-mine safety organization.
Some phases of accident prevention in industry
Development and safety of the storage-battery locomotive
Hazards in connection with concentrated coal mining
Rock-dust barriers for coal mines
Coal-dust explosions in mines :causes, effects, and recommendations for prevention
Coal-dust explosibility factors indicated by experimental mine investigations 1911 to 1929
Electrical motored equipment :approvals and extensions
Electrical accident prevention
Recommendation for safety in coal mining relating to placing mine haulage in intake air
Explosions and other accidents from mudcapped shots in coal mines
Progress in metal mine ventilation
State regulations governing explosion-proof type electric motors in coal mines
Electrical safety inspection :suggestions for mine-safety engineers
Hazards in the use of delay-action detonators in coal mines
State regulations governing the use of trolley wires in mines
Some phases of the relative responsibility of management and workers for accidents in mines
Specially recommended trailing cable
Official changes in the active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices for August, 1931