Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Firefighting facilities at coal mines compared with those at other industrial plants
Controlling mine fires with high-expansion foam
Practical aspects of controlling an underground fire on a mining machine
Survey of burning coal-mine refuse banks
Some fundamental aspects of dust flames
Flame spread evaluation of ventilation cloth
Thermal history of rock dust particles in a gas flame preheat zone
Coal mine combustion products :ingredients of conveyor belts
Infrared spectral radiances and explosion properties of inhibited methane-air flames
Quenching methane-air ignitions with water sprays
Extinguishing agents for mine face gas explosions
Radiant heating of mine bulkheads
Triggered barriers for the suppression of coal dust explosions
Model coal tunnel fires in ventilation flow
Monitoring submicrometer particles in sealed fire areas
Suppression of coal dust explosion by water barrier in a conveyor belt entry
Diagnostics of sealed coal mine fires
Fire detection systems in conveyor belt haulageways
Inhibition and extinction of coal dust and methane explosions
Design criteria for sheathed permissible explosive charge for open shooting in flammable atmospheres
Calamity hollow mine fire project (in five parts).
Size scaling of gas explosions :Bruceton Experimental Mine versus the Lake Lynn Mine
Coal combustion in a ventilated tunnel
Calamity Hollow Mine Fire Project (in five parts).
Fire detection for conveyor belt entries
A method to evaluate the performance of coal fire extinguishants
In-mine evaluation of smoke detectors
Impact of air velocity of the development and detection of small coal fires