Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Coal-mine accidents in the United States, 1896-1912 with monthly statistics for 1912
Coal-mine fatalities in the United States, 1921
Some suggestions on the prevention of electrical accidents in coal mines
Explosions of coal dust in tipples and cleaning plants and some suggestions on preventing them
Thousands killed by coal-mine explosions in the United States
How mine workers can help to prevent mine explosions
Coal-mine explosions and coal- and metal-mine fires in the United States in 1949
Analysis of haulage fatalities in coal mines :January-June 1951
Coal-mine explosions and coal- and metal-mine fires in the United States in 1950, 1951, and 1952
Injury experience in coal mining, 1957
Coal mine bumps :five case studies in the eastern United States