Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Barrier Pillars in Lackawanna Basin, Northern Field: Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania
Coal Deposits in the Deep River Field, Chatham, Lee, and Moore Counties, N.C.
Limits of Flammability of Gases and Vapors
Conditioning Water for Secondary-Recovery in Midcontinent Oil Fields
The Synthetic Liquid Fuel Potential of Pennsylvania
The Synthetic Liquid Fuel Potential of the United States
The Synthetic Liquid Fuel Potential of Texas
The Synthetic Liquid Fuel Potential of West Virginia
Processes for beneficiating Great Gossan Lead ores, Carroll County, Va.
Ore-dressing tests of Aroostook County, Maine, manganese ores
Preliminary tests of Nevada oxidized copper ores
Investigation of lead-zinc deposits at the Harrington-Hickory Mine, Beaver County, Utah
Blasting no-cut-hole raise rounds using millisecond delays
Crude-oil and refined-products pipeline mileage in the United States :January 1, 1953
Analyses of crude oils from some west Texas fields. :II.
Table of the beta function B(p, q)
Fuels consumed for residential and commercial space heating, 1935-51
National first-aid and mine rescue contest :Columbus, Ohio, October 2, 3, and 4, 1951
Petroleum and natural gas research program, Bureau of Mines, fiscal year 1952
Coal-mine explosions and coal- and metal-mine fires in the United States in 1950, 1951, and 1952
Fire-fighting equipment in coal mines :selection, placement, and care
Drainage and utilization of firedamp
The development of permissible requirements for safe underground diesel haulage
Petroleum refineries, including cracking plants, in the United States, January 1, 1953
Convertol process of coal-slurry treatment
Organizations with programs beneficial to coal-mine employees
Annual report of research and technologic work on coal and related investigations :fiscal year 1952
Review of literature on health hazards of metals.
Preparation characteristics of coal from Knott County, Ky.
Investigation of the Brewer topaz deposit, Chesterfield County, S.C.