Browse TRAIL Inventories

American Standard Safety Code for Installing and Using Electrical Equipment in and About Coal Mines (M2.1)

Barrier Pillars in Lackawanna Basin, Northern Field: Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania

Analyses of Ohio Coals

Coal Deposits in the Deep River Field, Chatham, Lee, and Moore Counties, N.C.

Injury Experience in Coal Mining, 1948: Detailed Analysis of Factors Influencing Mine Safety and Related Employment, Production, and Productivity Data

Carbonizing Properties: Eastern Kentucky Coals from Elkhorn Number 1, Elkhorn Number 2, Leatherwood, and Harlan Beds

Bibliography of Pressure Hydrogenation (In Three Parts): [Part] 3. Subject Index; Numerical Patent Index

Core Drilling at Shaft Sites of Proposed Mine-Water Drainage Tunnel: Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania

Carbonizing Properties: West Virginia Coals from the Pittsburgh Bed Jamison Number 9 Mine, Marion County, and Upper Freeport Bed Bull Run Number 1 Mine, Preston County

Limits of Flammability of Gases and Vapors

Coal Deposit, Coal Creek District, Gunnison County Colorado: Reserves, Coking Properties, and Petrographic and Chemical Characteristics

Surface-Water Seepage into Anthracite Mines in the Lackawanna Basin, Northern Field: Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania

Analyses of Foreign Coals

Helium: Bibliography of Technical and Scientific Literature from Its Discovery (1868) to January 1, 1947

Carbonizing Properties: British Columbia, Matanuska Valley (Alaska), and Washington Coals and Blends of Six of Them with Lower Sunnyside (Utah) Coals

Petroleum-Engineering Study of Gas Injection in the Cabin Creek Field, Kanawha and Boone Counties, West Virginia

Conditioning Water for Secondary-Recovery in Midcontinent Oil Fields

The Synthetic Liquid Fuel Potential of Pennsylvania

The Synthetic Liquid Fuel Potential of the United States

The Synthetic Liquid Fuel Potential of Texas

The Synthetic Liquid Fuel Potential of West Virginia

Figures 2, 3, 5, and 6: Barrier Pillars in Lackawanna Basin, Northern Field: Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania

Processes for beneficiating Great Gossan Lead ores, Carroll County, Va.

Ore-dressing tests of Aroostook County, Maine, manganese ores

Preliminary tests of Nevada oxidized copper ores

Investigation of lead-zinc deposits at the Harrington-Hickory Mine, Beaver County, Utah

Blasting no-cut-hole raise rounds using millisecond delays

Crude-oil and refined-products pipeline mileage in the United States :January 1, 1953

Analyses of crude oils from some west Texas fields. :II.

Table of the beta function B(p, q)


Back strains in brickmaking

Fuels consumed for residential and commercial space heating, 1935-51

National first-aid and mine rescue contest :Columbus, Ohio, October 2, 3, and 4, 1951

Petroleum and natural gas research program, Bureau of Mines, fiscal year 1952

Coal-mine explosions and coal- and metal-mine fires in the United States in 1950, 1951, and 1952

Fire-fighting equipment in coal mines :selection, placement, and care

Boron nitride

Drainage and utilization of firedamp

The development of permissible requirements for safe underground diesel haulage

Some factors affecting and suggested ways for improving coal-mine ventilation, with particular reference to mines in Illinois, Indiana, and Western Kentucky

Safe storage, handling, and use of commercial explosives in metal mines, nonmetallic mines, and quarries :revision of Information circular 7380

Petroleum refineries, including cracking plants, in the United States, January 1, 1953

Convertol process of coal-slurry treatment

Organizations with programs beneficial to coal-mine employees

Annual report of research and technologic work on coal and related investigations :fiscal year 1952

Review of literature on health hazards of metals.

Preparation characteristics of coal from Knott County, Ky.

Investigation of the Brewer topaz deposit, Chesterfield County, S.C.

A colorimetric method for determining pine oil in water

Published Year



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