Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Aerodynamic Characteristics of Four NACA Airfoil Sections Designed for Helicopter Rotor Blades
Analysis of V-G Records from the SNB-1 Airplane
Effect of Three Modifications on Performance of Auxiliary-Stage Supercharger for V-1710-93 Engine
Free-Spinning-Tunnel Tests of a 1/18-Scale Model of the Fairchild XNQ-1 Airplane, TED No. NACA 2398
Altitude-Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Oil-System Performance of XR-4360-8 Engine in XTB2D-1 Airplane
Calibration Tunnel for High Speed
Calibrations of Service Pitot Tubes in the Langley 24-Inch High-Speed Tunnel
Correlation Tests of the Ditching Behavior of an Army B-24D Airplane and a 1/16-Size Model
An Investigation of Cowl-Flap and Cowl-Outlet Designs for the Boeing B-29 Power-Plant Installation
Investigation of Ice Formation in the Induction System of an Aircraft Engine 1: Ground Tests
Investigation of Ice Formation in the Induction System of an Aircraft Engine 2: Flight Tests
An Investigation of Cowl Inlets for the B-29 Power-Plant Installation
Flight Measurements by Various Methods of the Drag Characteristics of the XP-51 Airplane
Flight Investigation of Factors Affecting the Carburetor Ram and Nacelle Drag of an A-26B Airplane
Lead Susceptibility of Several Fuels as Determined in an Air-Cooled Aircraft-Engine Cylinder
Langley Full-Scale Tunnel Investigation of a 1/3-Scale Model of the Chance Vought XF5U-1 Airplane
A Photographic Profile Recorder for Airscrews and Wing Models
The Supersonic Axial-Flow Compressor
On the Problem of Stress Corrosion
Variation with Mach Number of Static and Total Pressures Through Various Screens
Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Horizontal Motion of a Wing Near the Ground
Analysis of Effect of Rolling Pull-Outs on Wing and Aileron Loads of a Fighter Airplane
High-Speed Wind-Tunnel Tests of a Twin-Fuselage Pursuit Airplane
Hydraulic Characteristics of the NACA Injection Impeller
Free-Spinning-Tunnel Tests of a 1/26th Scale Model of the Douglas XTB2D-1 Airplane
Ground-Stand Cooling Investigation of an R-2600-22 Engine in a PBM-3D Nacelle
Investigation of the Behavior of Thin-Walled Panels with Cutouts