Browse TRAIL Inventories

Effects of Tip Dihedral on Lateral Stability and Control Characteristics as Determined by Tests of a Dynamic Wind Model in the Langley Free-Flight Tunnel

Performance Parameters for Jet-Propulsion Engines

A Relaxation Procedure for the Stress Analysis of a Continuous Beam-Column Elastically Restrained Against Deflection and Rotation at the Supports

Impact Strength and Flexural Properties of Laminated Plastics at High and Low Temperatures

Flight and Test-Stand Investigation of High-Performance Fuels in Pratt & Whitney R-1830-94 Engines 4: Comparison of Cooling Characteristics of Flight and Test-Stand Engines

Theory and Application of Hot-Wire Instruments in the Investigation of Turbulent Boundary Layers

Preliminary Investigation of a New Type of Supersonic Inlet

Flight tests of experimental beveled-trailing-edge Frise ailerons on a fighter airplane

Flutter and oscillating air-force calculations for an airfoil in two-dimensional supersonic flow

Flow over a slender body of revolution at supersonic velocities

Theoretical lift and drag of thin triangular wings at supersonic speeds

Tank tests to determine the effect on planing-tail hulls of varying length, width, and plan-form taper of afterbody

Summary of lateral-control research

Two dimensional wind-tunnel investigation of low drag vertical-tail,horizontal-tail, and wing sections equipped with sealed internally balanced control surfaces

Wind-tunnel investigation of end-plate effects of horizontal tails on a vertical tail compared with available theory

The Lagrangian Multiplier Method of Finding Upper and Lower Limits to Critical Stresses of Clamped Plates

Analysis of Available Data on the Effects of Tabs on Control-Surface Hinge Moments

Analysis of Deep Rectangular Shear Web Above Buckling Load

Flight Investigation at High Speeds of Profile Drag of Wing of a P-47D Airplane Having Production Surfaces Covered with Camouflage Paint

Flight Investigation of Effect of Various Vertical-Tail Modifications on the Directional Stability and Control Characteristics of the P-63A-1 Airplane (AAF No. 42-68889)

Flight measurements of the lateral control characteristics of narrow-chord ailerons on the trailing edge of a full-span slotted flap

Field of Flow About a Jet and Effect of Jets on Stability of Jet-Propelled Airplanes

Flight-Test Evaluation of the Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics of 0.5-Scale Models of the Fairchild Lark Pilotless-Aircraft Configuration. Model with Wing Flaps Deflected 15 Degrees, TED No. NACA 2387

Internal and external aerodynamics of ducted bodies at supersonic speeds

Investigation of the Pressure-Loss Characteristics of the Westinghouse X24-C-2 Inlet Screen, TED No. NACA 0447

Standard nomenclature for airspeeds with tables and charts for use in calculation of airspeed

Waters Loads on the XJL-1 Hull as Obtained in Langley Impact Basin, TED No. NACA 2413.3

Parameters determining performance of supersonic pilotless airplanes powered by ram-compression power planes

Paths of target-seeking missiles in two dimensions

Wind-Tunnel Tests of a Modified Koppers Aeromatic Impeller-Generator Combination, TED No. NACA ARR 2901

A method for the calculation of external lift, moment, and pressure drag of slender open-nose bodies of revolution at supersonic speeds

Effect of Mach and Reynolds Numbers on Maximum Lift Coefficient

Flight Measurements to Determine Effect of a Spring-Loaded Tab on Longitudinal Stability of an Airplane

Flow Investigation With the Aid of the Ultramicroscope

The Further Development of Heat-Resistant Materials for Aircraft Engines

Investigations of Pressure Distribution on Fast Flying Bodies

Correlation of Mixture Temperature Data Obtained From Bare Intake-Manifold Thermocouples

The Effect of Liquid and Ice Particles on the Erosion of a Supercharger-Inlet Cover and Diffuser Vanes

Efficiency of a Radial-Flow Exhaust-Gas Turbosupercharger Turbine With a 12.75-Inch Tip Diameter

An Evaluation of the Knock-Limited Performance of Triptane

Experimental Determination of the Effect of Negative Dihedral on Lateral Stability and Control Characteristics at High Lift Coefficients

Annual Report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (28th). Administrative Report Including Technical Report Nos. 727 to 751

The Effect of Increase in Combustion-Air Inlet Temperature From 80 to 130 F on the Sea-Level Performance of a 22-Inch-Diameter Pulse-Jet Engine

Effects of Fuel-Vapor Loss on Knock-Limited Performance and Inspection Properties of Aviation Fuels

The Effect of Ethylene Dibromide on the Knock-Limited Performance of Leaded and Nonleaded S Reference Fuel

Determination of Towline Tension and Stability of Spin-Recovery Parachutes

An Investigation of the Icing and Heated-Air De-Icing Characteristics of the R-2600-13 Induction System

Performance of the Modified V-1710-93 Engine-Stage Supercharger with a Constant-Area Vaneless Diffuser

Performance of the 19XB 10-Stage Axial-Flow Compressor

Aerodynamic Characteristics of Several Modifications of a 0.45-Scale Model of the Vertical Tail of the Curtiss XP-62 Airplane

Published Year



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