Browse TRAIL Inventories

Design, construction, and operation of a distillation laboratory for the synthetic liquid fuels program

Simple treatment methods for oxide gold and silver ores

Synthetic liquid fuels :annual report of the secretary of the interior for 1950

Synthetic liquid fuels :annual report of the secretary of the interior for 1950

Process development in the hydrocarbon synthesis to 1941

The second underground gasification experiment at Gorgas, Ala.,

Universal type electrostatic separator

Preparation characteristics of coal occurring in Indiana County, Pa.

The short-circuiting contactor as an electrical protective device for coal-mine service

Concentration of oxide and silicate manganese ores from the vicinity of Golconda, Nev.

Concentration of carbonate and oxide manganese ores from Silver Bow, Jefferson and Park Counties, Mont.

Experimental treatment of oxidized lead-silver ore from Eureka, Nev.

Variance in characteristics of the oil in the Weber Sandstone Reservoir, Rangely field, Colorado

Petroleum Refineries, Including Cracking Plants, in the United States, January 1, 1951

Mines and Mineral Deposits (Except Fuels) Cascade County, Montana

Mines and Mineral Deposits (Except Fuels) Broadwater County, Montana

Mines and Mineral Deposits (Except Fuels) Judith Basin County, Montana

The Coal Industry of Brazil: Part 2. Technology of Mining and Preparation

Acid-Mine-Drainage Problems: Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania

Helium-Bearing Natural Gases of the United States: Analyses and Analytical Methods

Estimate of Known Recoverable Reserves of Coking Coal in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania

Investigations of Melrose Zinc-Lead Deposit Cherokee County, Kansas

National Motor-Gasoline Survey: Winter 1950-51

Production, Consumption, and Use of Fuels and Electric Energy in the United States in 1929, 1939 and 1947

Oil-Shale Operations in New South Wales, Australia

A Survey of Oil Production in Oklahoma By Water Flooding: Part 2. Counties Other Than Nowata, Rogers, and Craig

Variable Characteristics of the Oil in the Tensleep Sandstone Reservoir, Elk Basin Field, Wyoming and Montana

Green River Oil-Shale Reserves of Northwestern Colorado

National Annual Diesel-Fuel Survey, 1951

Estimate of Known Recoverable Reserves of Coking Coal in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania.

Estimate of Known Recoverable Reserves of Coking Coal in Pike County, Kentucky

Estimate of Known Recoverable Reserves of Coking Coal in Fayette County, Pennsylvania

Investigation of West Belt Copper-Zinc Mines, El Dorado, Amador, Calaveras, and Mariposa Counties, California

Electrolytic Model Studies as Applied to Water-Flooding a Shoestring Sand

Magnetic Base Stations in Lake Superior Iron Districts

A Survey of Oil Production in Oklahoma By Water Flooding: Part 1. Nowata, Rogers, and Craig Counties

Estimate of Known Recoverable Reserves of Coking Coal in Floyd County, Kentucky

Methods of Analyzing Coal and Coke

Lurgi Process: Use for Complete Gasification of Coals with Steam and Oxygen Under Pressure

Aviation Gasoline and its Component Hydrocarbons: Wartime Research (1940-45)

Carbonizing Properties: Chilton Coal from Lorado Number 5 Mine, Lorado, Logan County, West Virginia

Lignite in Greece

The Bureau of Mines Routine Method for the Analysis of Crude Petroleum (In Three Parts): [Part] 1. The Analytical Method

Studies of the Extraction and Coking of Coal and their Significance in Relation to its Structure

The expolsibility of titanium, zirconium, thorium, uranium and their hydrides :(Bureau of Mines Report No. 3202)

Fluid Flow Through Packed and Fluidized Systems

The Synthetic Liquid Fuel Potential of Kansas

The Synthetic Liquid Fuel Potential of Kentucky

The Synthetic Liquid Fuel Potential of Maryland

The Synthetic Liquid Fuel Potential of Missouri

Published Year



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