Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Tank Investigation of a Powered Dynamic Model of a Large Long-Range Flying Boat
Static-Pressure Error of an Airspeed Installation on an Airplane in High-Speed Dives and Pullouts
Strength Investigations in Aircraft Construction Under Repeated Application of the Load
Progress Report on Strength and Creep of Special Ceramic Bodies in Tension at Elevated Temperatures
Some Notes on the Effects of Jet-Exit Design on Static Longitudinal Stability
Kinetics of Chemical Reactions in Flames
Tests of a 1/7-Scale Powered Model of the Kaiser Tailless Airplane in the Langley Full-Scale Tunnel
Tests of Cast Aluminum-Alloy Mixed-Flow Impellers
The Influence of the Jet of a Propulsion Unit on Nearby Wings
Investigation of Flow in a Centrifugal Pump
Investigation of Turbulent Mixing Processes
The Effect on the Sperry Directional Gyro in Turning
The Development of a Lateral-Control System for Use With Large-Span Flaps
The Stability of the Laminar Boundary Layer in a Compressible Fluid
Thin Oblique Airfoils at Supersonic Speed
On Laminar and Turbulent Friction
Clamped Long Rectangular Plate Under Combined Axial Load and Normal Pressure
A Fixture for Compressive Tests of Thin Sheet Metal Between Lubricated Steel Guides
Investigations on Laminar Boundary-Layer Stability and Transition on Curved Boundaries
Effect of Rotor-Tip Speed on Helicopter Hovering Performance and Maximum Forward Speed
Effects of Specific Types of Surface Roughness on Boundary-Layer Transition
Quantitative Treatment of the Creep of Metals by Dislocation and Rate-Process Theories
Consideration of Dynamic Loads on the Vertical Tail by the Theory of Flat Yawing Maneuvers
Occurrence of Iron Oxides on Cast-Iron Engine Surfaces After Operation