Browse TRAIL Inventories

The effect of wall interference upon the aerodynamic characteristics of an airfoil spanning a closed-throat circular wind tunnel

The effect of wall interference upon the aerodynamic characteristics of an airfoil spanning a closed-throat circular wind tunnel

Effect of sweepback and aspect ratio on longitudinal stability characteristics of wings at low speeds

Numerical procedures for the calculation of the stresses in monocoques III : calculation of the bending moments in fuselage frames

Stresses in and general instability of monocoque cylinders with cutouts I : experimental investigation of cylinders with a symmetric cutout subjected to pure bending

The theoretical flow of a frictionless, adiabatic, perfect gas inside of a two-dimensional hyperbolic nozzle

Flight investigation at high speeds of the drag of three airfoils and a circular cylinder representing full-scale propeller shanks

Flow tests of an NACA-designed supercharger inlet elbow and the effects of various components on the flow characteristics at the elbow outlet

The infrared spectra of spiropentane methylenecyclobutane and 2-methyl-1-butene

A method for the determination of air infiltration rates in airplane cabins

Errors in indicated strain for a typical wire strain gage caused by restraining, temperature changes, and weathering

Performance tests of wire strain gages 4: axial and transverse sensitivities

Preliminary wind-tunnel investigation at low speed of stability and control characteristics of swept back wings

A preliminary study of a propeller powered by gas jets issuing from the blade tips

Load capacity of aluminum-alloy crankpin bearings as determined in a centrifugal bearing test machine

The effect of engine variables on the prediction-limited performance of three fuels

Comparative effectiveness of a convection type and a radiation-type cooling cap on a turbo-supercharger.

Evaluation of two high-carbon precision-cast alloys at 1700 and 1800 F by the rupture test

Effect of misalignment of strain-gage components of strain rosettes

Effect of normal pressure on strength of axially loaded sheet-stringer panels

Steady- and intermittent-flow coefficients of poppet intake valves

The shearing rigidity of curved panels under compression

The synthesis and purification of aromatic hydrocarbons II : 1, 2, 4-trimethylbenzene

The synthesis and purification of aromatic hydrocarbons V : 1-ethyl-3-methylbenzene

The synthesis of methylenecyclobutane, spiropentane, and 2-methyl-1-butene from pentaerythrityl tetrabromide

Flight investigation of the cooling characteristics of a two-row radial engine installation II : cooling-air pressure recovery and pressure distribution

Flight investigation of the cooling characteristics of a two-row radial engine installation I : cooling correlation

Tail-design requirements for satisfactory spin recovery

Strain measurements and strength tests of 25-inch diagonal-tension beams of 75S-T aluminum alloy

An analysis of the airspeeds and normal accelerations of Boeing S-307 airplanes in commercial transport operation

Analysis of propeller efficiency losses associated with heated-air thermal de-icing

An analysis of the airspeeds and normal accelerations of Douglas DC-3 airplanes in commercial transport operation

Numerical procedures for the calculation of the stresses in monocoques IV : influence coefficients of curved bars for distortions in their own plane

An analysis of the main spray characteristics of some full-size multi-engined flying boats

Effect of small deviations from flatness on effective width and buckling of plates in compression

Comparison of relative sensitivities of the knock limits of two fuels to six engine variables

Comparison of several methods of predicting the pressure loss at altitude across a baffled aircraft-engine cylinder

Comparison of static strengths of machine countersunk riveted joints in 24S-T, X75S-T, and Alclad 75S-T sheet

Wind tunnel investigation of effect of wing location, power, and flap deflection on effective dihedral of a typical single-engine fighter-airplane model with tail removed

Flight investigation of the cooling characteristics of a two-row radial engine installation 3: engine temperature distribution

Wake studies of eight model propellers

An electron microscope study of used nitrated-steel piston rings

High-speed investigation of skin wrinkles on two NACA airfoils

Comparison of two-dimensional air flows about an NACA 0012 airfoil of 1-inch chord at zero lift in open and closed 3-inch jets and corrections for jet-boundary interference

Aerodynamic characteristics including scale effect of several wings and bodies alone and in combination at a Mach number of 1.53

Tank tests to determine the effect of varying design parameters of planing-tail hulls 2: effect of varying depth of step, angle of after- body keel, length of afterbody chine, and gross load

A Multiple Bridge for Elimination of Contact-Resistance Errors in Resistance Strain-Gauge Measurements

Performance of Hoods for Aircraft Exhaust-Gas Turbines

Preliminary Investigation of the Loads Carried by Individual Bolts in Bolted Joints

Tensile Properties of a Sillimanite Refractory at Elevated Temperatures

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