Browse TRAIL Inventories

Mining methods and costs at the Highland Surprise Mine, Shoshone County, Idaho

Report of the Health and Safety Division :fiscal year 1949

Electrical blasting at Miami Copper Co., Miami, Ariz.

Permissible mine equipment approved during the calendar years 1947-49

Hydraulic tunneling in St. Peter sandstone at Minneapolis, Minn.

Central mine rescue station, Globe-Miami district, mine rescue and first-aid association, Globe Ariz.

Roof bolting in the United States

Coal-mine explosions and coal- and metal-mine fires in the United States in 1949

Carbide insert bit drilling at the Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co. mines, Ishpeming, Mich.

List of respiratory protective devices approved by the Bureau of Mines

Achievements in mine safety research and problems yet to be solved

Natural gasoline and cycle plants in the United States, January 1, 1950

Mining, milling, and manufacturing methods at the Blue Diamond Corp.'s gypsum property, Clark County, Nev.

Annual report of research and technologic work on coal :fiscal year 1949

Review of dust-allaying practices at working faces in some bituminous-coal and lignite mines

Review of literature on health hazards of beryllium and its compounds

Safety practices in churn drilling at Morenci Branch, Phelps Dodge Corp, Morenci, Ariz.

Conditions and practices at coal mines in the Ruhr district of western Germany

Investigation of the Beecher no. 2 lithium-bearing pegmatite, Custer County, S. Dak.

Investigation of the Clinton Jackson quartz crystal deposits, Carroll County, Va.

Investigation of the Romur tungsten deposits, Fremont County, Wyo.

Effects of core recovery, diamond size, and quality on cost of core drilling in gneiss

Development of a successful multiple percussion drill carriage

Investigation of the Union zinc-lead mine, Washoe County, Nev.

A test of treated timbers in a mine at Negaunee, Mich.

Titanium and iron minerals from black sands in bauxite

A method of test for SO₂ and SO₃ in flue gases

Investigation of the Gideon sillimanite deposit, Spartanburg County, S.C.

Investigation of the magnesite deposit of the Ala-Mar Magnesium Co, Inc., and Nevada Magnesite Co., White Pine County, Nev.

Investigation of the fluorite deposits of the Dike and Eaton veins, Crittenden County, Ky.

Investigation of the Brown-Tipton zinc deposit, Greene County, Tenn.

Shuttle-car conversion from storage battery to diesel-electric power, Acme Mine, Certain-teed Products Corp., Acme, Hardeman County, Tex.

Investigation of the Rutherford pegmatite mine, Amelia County, Va.

Investigation of the West Tintic tungsten deposit, Juab County, Utah

Proposed process for treatment of low-grade titaniferous ores :laboratory tests on sintering with carbon and soda ash to produce metallic iron and soluble titanates

Pressure-relieving capacities of diaphragms and other devices for venting dust explosions

Manometric precision procedure for determining the vapor pressure of aviation gasolines

Investigation of the Zebulon or Privett manganese deposit, Wake County, N.C.

National annual survey of commercial aviation gasoline :October, 1949 production

Comparison of poisonous gases from permissible explosives as obtained in Bichel-Gage and coal-mine tests

Solvent extraction of coal by aromatic compounds at atmospheric pressure

Investigation of the Winterboro talc deposits, Talladega County, Ala.

Investigation of Gilley fluorspar deposits, Cherokee County, Ala.

Investigation of Stange and Byrnes Heirs manganese mines, Bland and Giles Counties, Va.

A preliminary survey of zirconium alloys

Analyses of some crude oils from the Middle East, South America, and Canada

Deep-well pumps and shaft pumps in anthracite mines of Pennsylvania

Oil shale in Brazil

Investigation of the Rose Run iron area, Bath County, Ky.

Laboratory tests on percolation leaching of silica from bauxites

Published Year



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