Browse TRAIL Inventories

The twisted wing with elliptic plan form

The Use of Multiplied Pressures for Automatic Altitude Adjustments

The Effect on Rudder Control of Slip Stream Body, and Ground Interference

Supplementary Report of Oil Scraper Piston Rings

The N.A.C.A. Three Component Accelerometer

Notes on the Design of Latticed Columns Subject to Lateral Loads

N.A.C.A. control position recorder

Notes on Aerodynamic Forces I: Rectilinear Motion

Notes on the standard atmosphere

Simple formula for estimating airplane ceilings

Theory of the Slotted Wing

Skin frictional resistance of plane surfaces in air: Abstract of recent German tests, with notes

Notes on Aerodynamic Forces 2: Curvilinear Motion

Comparing Maximum Pressures in Internal Combustion Engines

Notes on Propeller Design 4: General Proceeding in Design

Center of pressure coefficients for airfoils at high speeds

F-5-L boat seaplane: Comparative performance with direct and geared engines

Notes on the construction and testing of model airplanes

Effect of aerofoil aspect ratio on the slope of the lift curve

The Theory of the Screw Propeller

Langley Field wind tunnel apparatus

New Data on the Laws of Fluid Resistance

The Dead Weight of the Airship and the Number of Passengers That Can Be Carried

Impact Tests for Woods

A Preliminary Investigation of a New Method for Testing Aerofoils in Free Flight

The new French high-speed wind tunnel

On the stability of oscillations of an airplane wing

The laboratories of the Technical Section of Aeronautics (Service Technique de L'Aeronautique or S.T.Ae.)

Hydrodynamic tests for determining the take-off characteristics of seaplanes

Performance of B. M. W. 185-Horsepower Airplane Engine

Diaphragms for Aeronautic Instruments

Performance of Maybach 300-horsepower airplane engine

Soaring flight and the Rhön contests

Point drag and total drag of navy struts no. 1 modified

Aeronautic instruments. Section 2: altitude instruments

Aeronautic instruments. Section VI : aerial navigation and navigating instruments

Influence of model surface and air flow texture on resistance of aerodynamic bodies

Absorbing landing shocks

Bending moments, envelope, and cable stresses in non-rigid airships

The variation of aerofoil lift and drag coefficients with changes in size and speed

The drag of C class airship hull with varying length of cylindric midships

Aerodynamic characteristics of aerofoils II : continuation of report no. 93

Simplified theory of the magneto

The six-component wind balance

List of commercial aircraft belonging to the various French air navigation companies as of August 31st, 1922

Airplane speeds of the future

Lessons of the 1922 Rhön Soaring Flights

The New Interpretation of the Laws of Air Resistance

Control Problems on Large Airplanes

Control of Airplanes at Low Speeds

Published Year



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