Browse TRAIL Inventories

Flight and Test-Stand Investigation of High-Performance Fuels in Modified Double-Row Radial Air-Cooled Engines 1: Determination of the Cooling Characteristics of the Flight Engine

Flight and Test-Stand Investigation of High-Performance Fuels in Modified Double-Row Radial Air-Cooled Engines 2: Flight Knock Data and Comparison of Fuel Knock Limits With Engine Cooling Limits in Flight

Tensile-Strength Investigation of Cast-Iron Piston Rings of Various Strengths

Tank Tests of a Flying-Boat Model Equipped With Several Types of Fairing Designed to Reduce the Air Drag of the Main Step

Tank Tests of a Powered Dynamic Model of a Flying Boat Having an Afterbody Length-Beam Ratio of 4.7-Langley Tank Model 203C-1

Spray Characteristics and Take-Off and Landing Stability of Several Modifications of a 1/8-Size Model of the PBN-1 Flying Boat - NACA Model 192

Stability and Control Characteristics of a Fighter Airplane in Inverted Flight Attitude as Determined by Model Tests

Shear-Lag Tests of a Box Beam With a Highly Cambered Cover in Tension

Performance Selection Charts for Gliders and Twin-Engine Tow Planes

Tunnel-Wall Corrections to Rolling and Yawing Moments Due to Aileron Deflection in Closed Rectangular Wind Tunnels

The Two-Dimensional Incompressible Potential Flow Over Corrugated and Distorted Infinite Surfaces

Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Aromatic Amines in Isooctane and in Water

Two-Dimensional Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Spoiler Aileron Flap Model for the Hughes XF-11 Airplane

Two-Dimensional Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Six Airfoil Sections for the Wing of the Vega XP2V-1 Airplane

Radial Aircraft-Engine Bearing Loads 1: Crankpin-Bearing Loads for Engines Having Nine Cylinders Per Crankpin

Recent Development of the Two-Stroke Engine 2 - Design Features

Relation Between Fuel Economy and Crank Angle for the Maximum Rate of Pressure Rise

Reduction of Fuel-Vapor Loss by Omitting Some of the Fuel Constituents Normally Lost During Flight

Response of Helicopter Rotors to Periodic Forces

Resistance Tests of Models of Three Flying-Boat Hulls With a Length-Beam Ratio of 10.5

The Resistance of Three Series of Flying Boat-Hulls as Affected by Length-Beam Ratio

Static-Thrust Tests of Six Rotor-Blade Designs on a Helicopter in the Langley Full-Scale Tunnel

Strain Measurements and Strength Tests on the Tension Side of a Box Beam With Flat Cover

Stresses Near the Juncture of a Closed and an Open Torsion Box as Influenced by Bulkhead Flexibility

Study of the Mixture Distribution of a Double-Row Radial Aircraft Engine

Suitability of 18 Aromatic Amines for Overwater Storage When Blended With Aviation Gasoline

Sea-Level Performance Tests of a 22-Inch-Diameter Pulse-Jet Engine at Various Simulated Ram Pressures

The Rupture Test Characteristics of Six Precision-Cast and Three Wrought Alloys at 1700 Degrees and 1800 Degrees Fahrenheit

Principles of Moment Distribution Applied to Stability of Structures Composed of Bars or Plates

Process of Lead-Deposit Accumulations on Aircraft-Engine Spark Plugs

Smoking Characteristics of Various Fuels as Determined by Open-Cup and Laboratory-Burner Smoke Tests

Some Flight Measurements on Pressure Distribution During Tail Buffeting

Spin-Tunnel Tests of Airplane Models With Extreme Variations in Mass Distribution Along the Three Body Axes

Standard Method of Graphical Presentation of Centrifugal Compressor Performance

Standard Procedures for Rating and Testing Centrifugal Compressors

Theoretical and Experimental Dynamic Loads for a Prismatic Float Having an Angle of Dead Rise of 22-1/2 Degrees

Theoretical Investigation of Methods for Computing Drag From Wake Surveys at High Subsonic Speeds

Use of Variable-Ratio Geared Tabs to Improve Stick-Force Characteristics in Turning Flight

Variation of Hydrodynamic Impact Loads With Flight-Path Angle for a Prismatic Float at 3 Degree Trim and With a 22 1/2 Degree Angle of Dead Rise

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Rectangular NACA 2212 Airfoil with Semispan Ailerons and with Nonperforated, Balanced Double Split Flaps for Use as Aerodynamic Brakes

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Alternative Propellers Operating Behind Deflected Wing Flaps for the XB-36 Airplane

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Control-Surface Characteristics 21: Medium and Large Aerodynamic Balances of Two Nose Shapes and a Plain Overhang Used With a 0.40-Airfoil-Chord Flap on an NACA 0009 Airfoil

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Control-Surface Characteristics 22: Medium and Large Aerodynamic Balances of Two Nose Shapes and a Plain Overhang Used With a 0.20-Airfoil-Chord Flap on an NACA 0009 Airfoil

Spin Tests of a 0.059-Scale Model of the Curtiss-Wright XP-55 Airplane

XC-35 Gust Research Project Characteristics of Vertical Drafts and Associated Vertical Gust Velocities Within Convective Type Clouds

Numerical Evaluation of the Wake-Survey Equations for Subsonic Flow Including the Effect of Energy Addition

A Cooling Correlation Equation for a Double-Row Radial Engine Based on the Temperature of the Exhaust-Valve Seat

The Effect of Inlet Pressure and Temperature on the Efficiency of a Single Stage Impulse Turbine Having an 11.0-Inch Pitch-Line Diameter Wheel

Wind-Tunnel Tests of a Dual-Rotating Propeller Having One Component Locked or Windmilling

Wind-Tunnel Tests of the 0.15-Scale Powered Model of the Fleetwings XBTK-1 Airplane: Longitudinal Stability and Control

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