Browse TRAIL Inventories

The determination of low concentrations of hydrogen sulfide in gas by the methylene blue method

Investigation of the McGuffy Creek chromite deposit, Siskiyou County, Calif.

Investigation of the K.T. Dome zinc-lead mine Owen and Henry Counties, Kentucky

Flotation of silver chloride from an oxide ore

Petrographic determination of quartz in the presence of claylike minerals

Diamond drill and auger sampling of vanadiferous shale, Mercu Dome mine, Tooele County, Utah

Investigation of the Del Rio and Stackhouse barite deposit, Cocke County, Tenn., and Madison County, N.C.

Flotation of gray iron ores from the Talladega area, Alabama :laboratory studies

Relative reducibility of some iron oxide materials

Investigation of the Whitechuck travertine deposit near Darrington, Snohomish County, Wash.

Recovery of fumes from chloride volatilization of gold

A gage and recording equipment for measuring dynamic strain in rock

Investigation of the Ladd manganese deposits, San Joaquin County, Calif.

Investigation of the Hermitage bauxite district, Bartow and Floyd counties, Ga.

Investigation of tungsten deposits at Cupric Mine property, Beaver County, Utah

Investigation of Mueller kaolin deposit, Jeff Davis County, Tex.

Investigation of the Coggins chromite mine, Siskiyou County, Calif.

Investigation of the Shady Valley manganese district, Johnson County, Tenn.

Investigation of the Aiken kaolin district Aiken County, S.C.

Investigation of the Rip Van Winkle lead-zinc-silver mine, Elko County, Nev.

Investigation of the Allah Cooper lead-zinc mine, Louisa County, Va.

Investigation of the Klondike fluorspar deposit, Livingston County, Ky.

Investigation of the Columbia manganese deposit, Campbell County, Va.

Injection rates and pressures for water flooding mid-continent oil sands

Experimental diamond core-drilling in the phosphoria formation in southeastern Idaho

Washability study of coal from a strip pit bed on the Cumberland Plateau, near Chalybeate Van Buren County, Tenn.

Investigation of the Seiad Creek chromite deposits, Siskiyou County, Calif.

Investigation of the Table Mountain copper deposit, Churchill County, Nev.

Dense medium and flotation tests on an antimony ore from California

Refining metals and alloys by filtration

Segregation of impurities in zinc-aluminum alloys and its influence on accuracy of sampling

Shuttle-car tire and roadbed study

Sulfur in petroleum.

Lead smelting in the ore hearth.

Investigation of the Albright farm lead-zinc deposit, Blair County, Pa.

Investigation of Cheever limonite deposit, Berkshire County, Mass.

Investigation of Portland beryl-mica district Middlesex County, Conn.

Investigation of Talladega gray iron ores, Talladega County, Ala.

Missouri Valley Manganese Deposits :South Dakota.

Investigation of Douglas fluorite property, Pope County, Ill.

Investigation of Anson Betts manganese mine, Hampshire County, Mass.

Investigation of Rodham mine zinc and lead area, Lafayette County, Wis.

Filled-sink iron deposits in Crawford, Dent, Franklin, and Texas counties, Mo.

Sampling the Kennedy zinc tailing pile, Lafayette County, Wis.

Investigation of Coyote Creek antimony deposits, Garfield County, Utah

Investigation of Virgin River manganese deposit, Clark County, Nev.

Investigation of the Mohawk lead-zinc mine :San Bernardino County, Calif.

Lime-soda sinter process for alumina from high-silica bauxites :laboratory and pilot-plant tests

Investigation of the Star mine, Neihart district, Cascade County, Mont.

Flammability of methyl alcohol vapor-air mixtures at low pressures

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