Browse TRAIL Inventories

Simple Curves for Determining the Effects of Compressibility on Pressure Drop Through Radiators

High-Altitude Cooling 3: Radiators

Effect of Fuel Volatility on Performance of a Wright R-2600-8 Engine as Influenced by Mixture Distribution

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Carburetor Air Scoops for the XTB2D-1 Airplane with Emphasis on Means for Bypassing the Boundary Layer

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Ailerons on a Low-Drag Airfoil 3: The Effect of Tabs

The Effect of Engine Conditions on the Lead Susceptibility of Paraffinic Fuels

Experimental Study of the Coating Found on Scuffed Cast-Iron Piston Rings During Operation in Nitrided-Steel Cylinders

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Beveled Aileron Shape Designed to Increase the Useful Deflection Range

Tests of NACA 65(216)-420 and 66(218)-420 Airfoils at High Speeds

Cylinder-Head Cooling by Means of a Shield in the Exhaust Passage

Air-Consumption Parameters for Automatic Mixture Control of Aircraft Engines

Determination of the Stresses Produced by the Landing Impact in the Bulkheads of a Seaplane Bottom

Comparative Results of Tests on Several Different Types of Nozzles

Compressibility Effects on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Smooth Cylindrical Tubes

Determination of the Actual Contact Surface of a Brush Contact

DVL Angular Velocity Recorder

Simply Supported Long Rectangular Plate Under Combined Axial Load and Normal Pressure

On the General Theory of Thin Airfoils for Nonuniform Motion

The "Limiting Line" in Mixed Subsonic and Supersonic Flow of Compressible Fluids

Dynamics of the Inlet System of a Four-Stroke Engine

Flight Investigation of Boundary-Layer Control by Suction Slots on an NACA 35-215 Low-Drag Airfoil at High Reynolds Numbers

Investigation of the Behavior of Parallel Two-Dimensional Air Jets

Simplified Truss Stability Criteria

Torsion Test to Failure of a Monocoque Box

Tests of Airfoils Designed to Delay the Compressibility Burble

The Effect of Temperature on Sheet Metals for Airplane Firewalls

The Influence of Plastic Deformation and of Heat Treatment on Poisson's Ratio for 18:8 Chromium-Nickel Steel

Plastic Mountings for Aircraft Windshields

Axial Fatigue of 10 Airplane Wing-Beam Specimens by the Resonance Method

Normal Pressure Tests on Unstiffened Flat Plates

An Interim Report on the Stability and Control of Tailless Airplanes

Protection of Nonmetallic Aircraft From Lightning 3: Electrical Effects in Glider Towlines

The Inward Bulge Type Buckling of Monocoque Cylinders 2: Experimental Investigation of the Buckling in Combined Bending and Compression

Aerodynamic Tests of a Full-Scale TBF-1 Aileron Installation in the Langley 16-Foot High-Speed Tunnel

Design of power-plant installations pressure-loss characteristics of duct components

Wind-Tunnel Procedure for Determination of Critical Stability and Control Characteristics of Airplanes

Tests of a Thermal Ice-Prevention System for a Wing Leading-Edge Landing-Light Installation

Application of Spring Tabs to Elevator Controls

A Theoretical Investigation of Longitudinal Stability of Airplanes with Free Controls Including Effect of Friction in Control System

A method for studying the hunting oscillations of and airplane with a simple type of automatic control

NACA Investigation of a Jet-Propulsion System Applicable to Flight

On the plane potential flow past a symmetrical lattice of arbitrary airfoils

Analysis of Circular Shell-Supported Frames

Wind-tunnel tests of hinge-moment characteristics of spring-tab ailerons

Wind-tunnel tests of the 1/8-scale powered model of the Curtiss XBTC-2 airplane 2: preliminary investigation of lateral stability and control

Effect of Helicopter Performance of Modifications in Profile-Drag Characteristics of Rotor-Blade Airfoil Sections

Effect of hinge-moment parameters on elevator stick forces in rapid maneuvers

Charts for estimation of the characteristics of a helicopter rotor in forward flight I: profile drag-lift ratio for untwisted rectangular blades

Charts for the determination of wing torsional stiffness required for specified rolling characteristics or aileron reversal speed

Flight investigation of boundary-layer control by suction slots on an NACA 35-215 low-drag airfoil at high Reynolds numbers

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