Browse TRAIL Inventories

An Interim Report on the Stability and Control of Tailless Airplanes

An Experimental Investigation of the Flow of Air in a Flat Broadening Channel

Experiments on Drag of Revolving Disks, Cylinders, and Streamline Rods at High Speeds

The Conformal Transformation of an Airfoil Into a Straight Line and Its Application to the Inverse Problem of Airfoil Theory

The Influence of the Aerodynamic Span Effect on the Magnitude of the Torsional-Divergence Velocity and on the Shape of the Corresponding Deflection Mode

Fairing Compositions for Aircraft Surfaces

The Effect of Increased Cooling Surface on Performance of Aircraft-Engine Cylinders as Shown by Tests of the NACA Cylinder

Wind-Tunnel Tests of the 1/8-Scale Powered Model of the Curtiss XBTC-2 Airplane 1: Preliminary Investigation of Longitudinal Stability

Flight Studies of the Horizontal-Tail Loads Experienced by a Fighter Airplane in Abrupt Maneuvers

The Flow of a Compressible Fluid Past a Circular Arc Profile

Effects of Heat-Capacity Lag in Gas Dynamics

Effects of Small Angles of Sweep and Moderate Amounts of Dihedral on Stalling and Lateral Characteristics of a Wing-Fuselage Combination Equipped With Partial- and Full-Span Double Slotted Flaps

Experimental Studies of the Knock-Limited Blending Characteristics of Aviation Fuels 1: Preliminary Tests in an Air-Cooled Cylinder

Experimental Study of the Coating Formed on Nitrided-Steel Piston Rings During Operation in Nitrided-Steel Cylinders

Effect in Flight of the Propeller Cuffs and Spinner on Pressure Recovery in Front of a Double-Row Radial Aircraft Engine in a Twin-Engine Airplane

The Effects of Roughness at High Reynolds Numbers on the Lift and Drag Characteristics of Three Thick Airfoils

Frequency of Occurrence of Atmospheric Gusts and of Related Loads on Airplane Structures

The Hydrodynamic Lubrication of Near-Infinite Sliders Such as Piston Rings

A Flight Investigation of the Effect of Surface Roughness on Wing Profile Drag With Transition Fixed

An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters 14: Performance of Two Finned-Type Crossflow Exhaust Gas and Air Heat Exchangers

Foaming of Aircraft-Engine Oils as a Problem in Colloid Chemistry - 1

Force Test of a 1/5-Scale Model of the Type GB-5 Controllable Glide Bomb

Effect of Hinge-Moment Parameters on Elevator Stick Forces in Rapid Maneuvers

Artificial Running-in of Piston Rings

The Theory of Propellers 4: Thrust, Energy, and Efficiency Formulas for Single- and Dual-Rotating Propellers With Ideal Circulation Distribution

The Theory of Propellers 1: Determination of the Circulation Function and the Mass Coefficient for Dual-Rotating Propellers

The Theory of Propellers 3: The Slipstream Contraction With Numerical Values for Two-Blade and Four-Blade Propellers

The Theory of Propellers 4: Thrust, Energy, and Efficiency Formulas for Single and Dual Rotating Propellers With Ideal Circulation Distribution

The Theory of Propellers 3: The Slipstream Contraction With Numerical Values for Two-Blade and Four-Blade Propeller

The Theory of Propellers 2: Method for Calculating the Axial Interference Velocity

The Theory of Propellers 2: Method for Calculating the Axial Interference Velocity

The Theory of Propellers 1: Determination of the Circulation Function and the Mass Coefficient for Dual-Rotating Propellers

Aerodynamic Tests of an A-M-65-AZON 1000-Pound Radio-Controlled Bomb in the LMAL 16-Foot High-Speed Tunnel

Some Effects of Internal Coolants on Knock-Limited and Temperature-Limited Power as Determined in a Single-Cylinder Aircraft Test Engine

A Laboratory-Tested Constant-Level Oil Sump to Prevent Aeration of Scavenged Oil From an Aircraft Engine

Numerical Evaluation of the (Epsilon)-Integral Occurring in the Theodorsen Arbitrary Airfoil Potential Theory

Analysis of Vertical-Tail Loads in Rolling Pull-Out Maneuvers

Charts for Determining Propeller Efficiency

Dynamic Loads on Airplane Structures During Landing

Effect of Developed Width on Strength of Axially Loaded Curved Sheet Stringer Panels

Investigation of the Behavior of Parallel Two-Dimensional Air Jets

An Investigation of the Characteristics of Alcohol-Distribution Tubes Used for Ice Protection on Aircraft Windshields

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a 1/20-Scale Powered Model of a Four-Engine Transport Airplane

Performance of NACA Eight-Stage Axial-Flow Compressor at Simulated Altitudes

Performance Characteristics of Journal Bearings With Forced-Feed Lubrication

An Experimental Investigation of the Thrust and Torque Produced by Propellers Used as Aerodynamic Brakes

Investigation of Effect of Sideslip on Lateral Stability Characteristics 1: Circular Fuselage with Variations in Vertical-Tail Area and Tail Length With and Without Horizontal Tail Surface

High Temperature Characteristics of 17 Alloys at 1200 and 1350 Degrees F

The Effects of Static Margin and Rotational Damping in Pitch on the Longitudinal Stability Characteristics of an Airplane as Determined by Tests of a Model in the NACA Free-Flight Tunnel

Effect of a Trailing-Edge Extension on the Characteristics of a Propeller Section

Published Year



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