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Geophysical abstracts 126July-September 1946
Diamond-drilling blast holes, eastern magnetite "Mine B"
Examination of Zinc-Lead Mines in the Wallapai Mining District, Mohave County, Arizona
Experiment in Underground Gasification of Coal, Gorgas, Alabama
National Motor-Gasoline Survey: Winter 1946-47
Andover-Sulphur Hill Iron Mines, Sussex County, New Jersey
Flood-Prevention Projects at Pennsylvania Anthracite Mines: Progress Report for 1945
Analyses of Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada and Oregon Coals
Thickness of Bituminous Coal and Lignite Seams Mined in the United States in 1945
Annual Report of Research and Technologic Work on Coal: Fiscal Year 1946
Daisy Fluorite Mine: Rosiclare Lead and Fluorspar Mining Company, Hardin County, Illinois
Recovery of Alumina From Kaolin by the Lime-Soda Sinter Process
Blackbird Cobalt Deposits, Lemhi County, Idaho
Special Studies of Reservoir Oils in Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1, Elk Hills Field, California
Beneficiation of Chromite Ores From Western United States
A Guide for Reducing Fuel Consumption in Commercial Plants
Production of Metallurgical Alumina from Pennsylvania Nodular Diaspore Clays
Lake Valley Manganese Deposits, Sierra County, New Mexico
Peat-Bog Fires: Their Origin and Control
Gallatin corundum deposit, Gallatin County, Mont.
Winskell-Andrews-Lyne zinc deposits, Lafayette County, Wis.
Bush-Hutchins ilmenite, Roanoke County, Va.
Effect of hydrocarbons and other gases upon the explosibility of acetylene
Reduction of phosphorus content in iron ore and concentrate from Iron Mountain, Mo.
Ione-Carbondale clays, Amador County, Calif.
Laboratory methods for evaluating materials for mineral-wool production
Ore dressing investigation of oxidized lead ores from Missouri and Illinois
Investigation of the Argall (Baggaley) zinc-lead mine, Iowa County, Wis.
Support of ground, iron-ore mines, Lake Superior district
Shaft sinking by diamond drilling, Bellefonte mine, National Gypsum Co., Centre County, Pa.
Emergency escapeways from coal mines
Magnetometric survey of the Mahopac magnetite mine, Putnam County, N.Y.
Investigation of the Sauk Mountain limestone deposits, Skagit County, Wash.
Investigation of the Minah lead-silver mine, Jefferson County, Mont.
Investigation of Arkansas bauxite.
Natural-gasoline and cycle plants in the United States, January 1, 1948
Ignition qualities of hydrocarbons in the diesel-fuel boiling range
A skull breaker in a limestone quarry
Making iron powder in the tunnel kiln
Design and operation of electrical mechanisms in underground pumping plants.
Methods of producing ultra-clean coal for electrode carbon in Germany
Safe equipment, guards, and practices, Lake Superior district iron-ore mines