Browse TRAIL Inventories

Gasoline-water distribution coefficients of 27 aromatic amines

Note on the interpretation of wake-survey data and its use in the estimation of induced drag due to irregularities

Wind-Tunnel Procedure for Determination of Critical Stability and Control Characteristics of Airplanes

The effect of compression ratio, cooled exhaust gas mixed with inlet air, and inlet-air temperature on the knock-limited performance of a full-scale single-cylinder engine

The effect of continuous knock on the endurance of an aircraft engine cylinder

Effect of coaxial lapping of cast-iron piston rings on ring performance

Knock-limited performance of several internal coolants

Knock-limited performance of several internal coolants

Ditching tests with a 1/12-size model of the Army B-26 airplane in NACA tank number 2 and on an outdoor catapult

Determination of jet-boundary corrections to cowling-flap-outlet pressures by an electrical analogy method

The design of the optimum hull for a large long-range flying boat

Preignition-limited performance of several fuels

Knock-limited power outputs from a CFR engine using internal coolants 1: monomethylamine and dimethylamine

Effect of Mach number on position error as applied to a pitot-static tube located 0.55 chord ahead of an airplane wing

Airfoil section data from tests of 10 practical- construction sections of helicopter rotor blades submitted by the Sikorsky Aircraft Division, United Aircraft Corporation

Airfoil-contour modifications based on (epsilon)-curve method of calculating pressure distribution

Cascade investigation of buckets for a modern aircraft turbosupercharger

An analytical investigation of thermal-electric means of preventing ice formations on a propeller blade

Bending and shear stresses developed by the instantaneous arrest of the root of a moving cantilever beam

Compressibility and heating effects on pressure loss and cooling of a baffled cylinder barrel

Compressible potential flow with circulation about a circular cylinder

Analysis of factors affecting net lift increment attainable with trailing-edge split flaps on tailless airplanes

Analysis of a thermal ice-prevention system for wing leading-edge landing-light installations

Analysis of available data on the effectiveness of ailerons without exposed overhang balance

Effect of water injection on knock-limited performance of a V-type 12-cylinder liquid-cooled engine

Effect of tilt of the propeller axis on the longitudinal-stability characteristics of single-engine airplanes

Determination of the effect of wing flexibility on lateral maneuverability and a comparison of calculated rolling effectiveness with flight results

The determination of span load distribution at high speeds by use of high-speed wind-tunnel section data

Artificial aging of riveted joints made in alclad 24S-T sheet using A17S-T, 17S-T, and 24S-T rivets

Fatigue strength and related characteristics of aircraft joints 1: comparison of spot-weld and rivet patterns in 24S-T Alclad and 75S-T Aclad

The numerical solution of compressible fluid flow problems

The effect of internal pressure on the buckling stress of thin-walled circular cylinders under torsion

Guides for preventing buckling in axial fatigue tests of thin sheet-metal specimens

Analysis of square shear web above buckling load

The inward bulge type buckling of monocoque cylinders I : calculation of the effect upon the buckling stress of a compressive force, a nonlinear direct stress distribution, and a shear force

Performance tests of wire strain gages 1: calibration factors in tension

Nondestructive test methods for spot welds in aluminum alloys

Effect of curvature on strength of axially loaded sheet-stringer panels

Bibliography of piston ring lubrication

Determination of stress-strain relations from "offset" yield strength values

Development of detonation detector suitable for use in flight

The shear of aluminum alloy driven rivets as affected by increasing D/t ratios

A unit laboratory engine oil system providing for a remote indication of oil flow and oil consumption together with blow-by measurement

An automatic electrical analyzer for 45 degree strain-rosette data

Numerical procedures for the calculation of the stresses in Monocoques I : diffusion of tensile stringer loads in reinforced panels

Numerical procedures for the calculation of the stresses in monocoques II : diffusion of tensiles stringer loads in reinforced flat panels with cut-outs

Charts for rapid analysis of 45 degree strain-rosette data

Elastic properties of channels with unflanged lightening holes

Power-Off Tests of the Northrop N9M-2 Tailless Airplane in the 40- by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel

High-Altitude Cooling 3: Radiators

Published Year



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