Browse TRAIL Inventories

The effect of mass distribution on the lateral stability and control characteristics of an airplane as determined by tests of a model in the free-flight tunnel

Wind-tunnel tests of ailerons at various speeds 2: ailerons of 0.20 airfoil chord and true contour with 0.60 aileron-chord sealed internal balance on the NACA 66,2-216 airfoil

Wind-tunnel tests of four full-scale seaplane floats

Wind-Tunnel Tests of the 1/9-Scale Model of the Curtiss XP-62 Airplane with Various Vertical Tail Arrangements

Wind-tunnel tests of two tapered wings with straight leading edges and with constant-chord center sections of different spans

Wind-tunnel vibration tests of dual-rotating propellers

Compressibility and Heating Effects on Pressure Loss and Cooling of a Baffled Cylinder Barrel

A Concise Theoretical Method for Profile-Drag Calculation; Advance Report

Profile-drag coefficients of conventional and low-drag airfoils as obtained in flight

Performance of NACA eight-stage axial-flow compressor designed on the basis of airfoil theory

Performance of NACA eight-stage axial-flow compressor at simulated altitude

The NACA balanced-diaphragm dynamometer-torque indicator

Flight studies of the horizontal-tail loads experienced by a fighter airplane in abrupt maneuvers

The flow of a compressible fluid past a circular arc profile

An investigation of a thermal ice-prevention system for a C-46 cargo airplane IV : results of flight tests in dry-air and natural-icing conditions

Intercooler cooling-air weight flow and pressure drop for minimum drag loss

An investigation of a thermal ice-prevention system for a C-46 cargo airplane II : the design, construction, and preliminary tests of the exhaust-air heat exchanger

Performance of an exhaust-gas "blowdown" turbine on a nine-cylinder radial engine

The propeller and cooling-air-flow characteristics of a twin-engine airplane model equipped with NACA D(sub S)-type cowlings and with propellers of NACA 16-series airfoil sections

Flight tests of several exhaust-gas-to-air heat exchangers in the B-17F airplane

On the flow of a compressible fluid by the hodography method II : fundamental set of particular flow solutions of the Chaplygin differential equation

On the flow of a compressible fluid by the hodography method I : unification and extension of present-day results

Compressibility and heating effects on pressure loss and cooling of a baffled cylinder barrel

Compressible potential flow with circulation about a circular cylinder

Analysis of circular shell-supported frames

Experiments on drag of revolving disks, cylinders and streamline rods at high speeds

Air-consumption parameters for automatic mixture control of aircraft engines

Wall interference in a two-dimensional-flow wind tunnel with consideration of the effect of compressibility

Nitrided-steel piston rings for engines of high specific power

Fluid de-icing tests on a Chandler-Evans 1900 CPB-3 carburetor mounted on a Pratt & Whitney R-1830-C4 intermediate rear engine section

A laboratory investigation of the icing characteristics of the Bendix-Stromberg carburetor model PD-12F5 with the Pratt and Whitney R-1830-C4 intermediate rear engine section

Investigation of effects of various camouflage paints and painting procedures on the drag characteristics of an NACA 65 sub (421), sup -420, A = 1.0 airfoil section

Effect of tilt of the propeller axis on the longitudinal-stability characteristics of single-engine airplanes

Estimation of pressures on cockpit canopies, gun turrets, blisters, and similar protuberances

Estimation of pressure distributions at subcritical speeds for turrets located on a wing

Experimental verification of a simplified vee-tail theory and analysis of available data on complete models with vee tails

Supercharged-engine knock tests of methyl tert-butyl ether

Study of Jet-Propulsion System Comprising Blower, Burner, and Nozzle

Tests of a 1/17-scale model of the XBDR-1 airplane in the NACA gust tunnel

General tank tests on the hydrodynamic characteristics of four flying-boat hull models of differing length-beam ratio

General resistance tests on flying-boat hull models

An investigation of aircraft heaters XVI : determination of the viscosity of exhaust gases from a gasoline engine

Use of Internal Coolant as a Means of Permitting Increase in Engine Take-Off Power

Wind tunnel investigation of NACA 66(215)-216, 66,1-212, and 65(sub 1)-212 airfoils with 0.20-airfoil-chord split flaps

Tests of the Northrop MX-334 glider airplane in the NACA full-scale tunnel

A positive-replica technique for examining finished metal surfaces and its application to aircraft engine cylinders

Preknock vibrations in a spark-ignition engine cylinder as revealed by high-speed photography

Charts for calculation of the critical compressive stress for local instability of idealized web- and T-stiffened panels

Engine and inspection tests of methyl tert-butyl ether as a component of aviation fuel

End-zone water injection as a means of suppressing knock in a spark-ignition engine

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