Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Exploration of the Copper Butte Mine, Mineral Creek mining district, Pinal County, Ariz.
Pilot-plant investigations :matte smelting of Chamberlain, S. Dak., Manganese ore
Exploration of the Elk Mountain mica deposit, San Miguel County, N. Mex.
Blending properties of low- and medium- volatile coals as determined in the BM-AGA appaaratus
Exploration of the Moffet-Johnston copper property, Madison County, Montana
Exploration of the Gray and Bautsch lead and zinc deposits, Jo Daviess County, Ill.
Exploration of leasing block no. 28 in the Nenana Coal Field, Alaska
Active list of permissible explosives and blasting devices approved previous to December 31, 1945
Exploration of Spirit Mountain nickel prospect, Canyon Creek, Lower Copper River Region, Alaska
Tests of bituminous-anthracite mixtures, on industrial stokers
Magnetic reconnaissance in North-Central Minnesota in 1945
Exploration of argentiferous lead-copper deposits of the Slana district, Alaska
Exploration of Mountain View Tungsten deposit, Hyder, Alaska
Exploration of Bishop Cap Fluorspar Project, Dona Ana County, New Mexico
Exploration of the gold, silver, lead, and zinc properties, Eureka Corporation, Eureka County, Nev.
Studies on explosives and explosions :fiscal year 1945
Metallurgical treatment of cobalt ores from the Goodsprings mining district, Nevada
Investigation of the McLeod glass-sand pits, Wheeler County, Ga.
Pilot-plant production of electrolytic manganese from Chamberlain, S. Dak., nodules
Exploration for fluorite, Crittendon and Livingston Counties, Ky.
Properties of Louisiana crude oils.
Gasification of lignite and subbituminous coal :progress report for 1944
Routine quantitative analysis by x-ray diffraction
Beneficiation of Montana chromite concentrates by roasting and leaching
Studies on the flotation of spodumene from the Edison Mine, Keystone, S.D.
Exploration at the Cline mine, Cabarrus County, N.C.
A method for determining simultaneously the oil and water saturations of oil sands
Electric blasting switches, underground mines, Lake Superior district
Reconversion problems in lead metallurgy
Interrogation of Dr. Pier and staff, I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G., Ludwigshafen and Oppau.
Design and operation of the coal planer, Ruhr District, Germany
Geophysical abstracts 125, April-June 1946
Metallic titanium and its alloys
Coal preparation practice in western Germany
Geophysical abstracts 124, January-March 1946
Heats contents above 25 ⁰C. of seven manganese-copper alloys
Exploration of the Riley Tungsten Mine Humboldt County, Nevada.
Exploration of a nickel-copper-cobalt deposit at Funter Bay, Admiralty Island, Alaska
Investigation of the Lost River Tin deposit, Seward Peninsula, Alaska
Flood-Prevention Projects at Pennsylvania Anthracite Mines: A Preliminary Study
Washing Characteristics of the Pittsburgh Coal in a High-Sulfur Area in Greene County, Pennsylvania