Browse TRAIL Inventories

Diamond-drilling blast holes, eastern Magnetite Mine A

Continuous hydraulic classification :constitution of the teeter column throughout its depth

Pilot-plant investigations preparation of alumina from potassium alum

National motor-gasoline survey :summer 1946

Rapid specific-gravity method for estimating the iron content of Birmingham, Ala., red ores

Chlorination of magnesia

Exploration of the Jumbo Basin iron deposit, Prince of Wales Island, southeastern Alaska

Clark Fork lead-zinc district, Bonner County, Idaho

Exploration of the Minarets iron deposit, Madera County, Calif.

Tri-state zinc-lead ore reserves

Exploration of Poor Man iron deposit, Kasaan Peninsula, Prince of Wales Island, southeastern Alaska

Exploration of Cape Mountain lode-tin deposits, Seward Peninsula, Alaska

Treatment of acid mine water for breaker use in the anthracite region of Pennsylvania

Inspection standards for strip mines(coal and lignite).

Survey of literature on the metallurgy of zirconium

Extraction and uses of lithium in Germany

Thermodynamic properties of ammonium and potassium alums and related substances, with reference to extraction of alumina from clay and alunite

Carbonizing properties of Eagle-bed coal from Prospect shaft, Carbon, Kanawha County, W. Va.

Procedure and apparatus for determining carbonizing properties of American coals by the Bureau of Mines-American Gas Association method

Carbonizing properties of velva lignite from Ward county, N. Dak., and monarch coal from Sheridan county, Wyo.

The bicarbonate process for the production of magnesium oxide

Hydrogenation and liquefaction of coal.

Prospecting for mineralization in steeply dipping beds covered by glacial till, talus, and weathered zones

Carbonizing properties of western coals

Thermodynamic properties of manganese

Wartime progress in coke production

Exploration of Grey Eagle , Grandview, and Royal John claims, Grant and Sierra Counties, N. Mex.

Improved apparatus and procedure for the determination of helium in natural gas

Exploration of the Blue Metal corundum property, Douglas County, Nev.

Standardized tests for determining the physical properties of mine rock

History of water flooding of oil sands in north Texas

Exploration of the White Eagle Fluorspar Mine, Cooks Peak mining district, Grant County, N. Mex.

Helium tracer studies in the Elk Hills, Calif., field

Exploration of tailing ponds in the Russellville, Ala., brown-ore district

Automatic water heating, utilizing subbituminous coal

Extinction of propane and butane flames by dichlorodifluoromethane

Mica and beryl examination and exploration in Cleburne, Randolph, Clay, Coosa, Chilton, Tallapoosa, and Lee Counties, Ala.

Exploration of the Magnet Cove Rutile Co. property, Magnet Cove area, Hot Spring County, Ark.

Exploration of the El Dorado copper mine, El Dorado County, Calif.

Concentration of fluorite from Metals Reserve Company stock piles

A study of fault determinations by geophysical methods in the fluorspar areas of Western Kentucky

Exploration if the New Dale Rundell Zinc Mine, Mifflin district, Iowa County, Wis.

Storage of subbutumiminous slack coal in open pits

Exploration of the Shanton iron-ore property, Albany County, Wyo.

Exploration of coal deposits of the Point Barrow and Wainwright areas, northern Alaska

Magnesia from olivine

Exploration of the Stoddard Fluorite Mine, Cheshire County, N.H.

Exploration for zinc and lead ore, Phelps lease, Jasper County, Mo.

Exploration of the Defense zinc property, Iowa County, Wis.

Electrolytic manganese in low-carbon steel tests at the Stanley Works, Bridgeport, Conn.

Published Year



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