Browse TRAIL Inventories

Altitude Rating of Electrical Apparatus

Flight Investigation of NACA D(Sub S) Cowlings on the XP-42 Airplane 1: High-Inlet-Velocity Cowling with Propeller Cuffs Tested in High-Speed Level Flight

Antiknock Effectiveness of Xylidines in Small-Scale Engines

Wind Tunnel Tests of Ailerons at Various Speeds 5: Pressure Distributions Over the NACA 66,2-216 and NACA 23012 Airfoils With Various Balances on 0.20-Chord Ailerons

Wind-Tunnel Tests of a Piston-Type Control Booster on an Airfoil and Aileron Model

Wind Tunnel Tests of Ailerons at Various Speeds 1: Ailerons of 0.20 Airfoil Chord and True Contour With 0.35 Aileron-Chord Extreme Blunt Nose Balance on the NACA 66,2-216 Airfoil

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Devices for Improving the Diving Characteristics of Airplanes

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Rear Underslung Fuselage Ducts

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Effect of Yaw on Lateral-Stability Characteristics 5: Symmetrically Tapered Wing With a Circular Fuselage Having a Horizontal and a Vertical Tail

Tests of 10-Inch 24S-T Aluminum-Alloy Shear Panels With 1-1/2-Inch Holes

Tests of Inverted Spins in the NACA Free-Spinning Tunnels

Theory of Self-Excited Mechanical Oscillations of Hinged Rotor Blades

Theory of Mechanical Oscillations of Rotors With Two Hinged Blades

Tests of Exhaust Propulsion Nozzles

Tail Buffeting

Operating Temperatures of a Sodium-Cooled Exhaust Valve as Measured by a Thermocouple

Heat Transfer of Airfoils and Plates

Heat Transfer Over the Circumference of a Heated Cylinder in Transverse Flow

Experimental Investigation of a Model of a Two-Stage Turboblower

Experimental Investigation of Impact in Landing on Water

A Subpress for Compressive Tests

A Theoretical Investigation of the Lateral Oscillations of an Airplane With Free Rudder With Special Reference to the Effect of Friction

Notes on the Effect of Surface Distortions on the Drag and Critical Mach Number of Airfoils

Review of Flight Tests of NACA C and D Cowlings on the XP-42 Airplane

A Method of Estimating the Knock Rating of Hydrocarbon Fuel Blend

Protection of Nonmetallic Aircraft From Lighting 1: General Analysis

Protection of Nonmetallic Aircraft From Lightning 2: Lightning Conductor Materials

The Flow of a Compressible Fluid Past a Curved Surface

Working Charts for the Computation of Propeller Thrust Throughout the Take-Off Range

Tests of a 1/40-Scale Wing-Hull Model and a 1/10-Scale Float-Strut Model of the Hughes-Kaiser Cargo Airplane in the Two-Dimensional Low-Turbulence Pressure Tunnel

Tests of Airfoils Designed to Delay the Compressibility Burble

Tests in the NACA Two-Dimensional Low-Turbulence Tunnel of Airfoil Sections Designed to Have Small Pitching Moments and High Lift-Drag Ratios

Porpoising: A Comparison of Theory With Experiment

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Wing Ducts on a Single Engine Pursuit Airplane

Methods and Charts for Computing Stability Derivatives of a V-Bottom Planing Surface

Effect of Length-Beam Ration on Resistance and Spray of Three Models of Flying-Boat Hulls

Investigation for the Development of a High-Speed Antiaircraft Tow Target

Free-Flight-Tunnel Investigation of the Effect of Mode of Propeller Rotation Upon the Lateral-Stability Characteristics of a Twin-Engine Airplane Model With Single Vertical Tails of Different Size

Flying Qualities and Stalling Characteristics of North American XP-51 Airplane

Experimental Determination of the Yawing Moment Due to Yawing Contributed by the Wing, Fuselage, and Vertical Tail of a Midwing Airplane Model

Preliminary Aerodynamic and Structural Tests Showing the Effect of Compressive Load on the Fairness of a Low-Drag Wing Specimen With Chordwise Hat-Section Stiffeners

Construction of Wire Strain Gages for Engine Application

Wind Tunnel Investigation of Control-Surface Characteristics 11: Various Large Overhang and Internal-Type Aerodynamic Balances for a Straight- Contour Flap on the NACA 0015 Airfoil

Some Effects of Reynolds and Mach Numbers on the Lift of an NACA 0012 Rectangular Wing in the NACA 19-Foot Pressure Tunnel

Physical Data on Certain Alloys for High Temperature Applications

Knocking Tendency of an Air-Cooled Aircraft-Engine Cylinder With One and With Two Spark Plugs

Wind-Tunnel Tests of Ailerons at Various Speeds 3: Ailerons of 0.20 Airfoil Chord and True Contour With 0.35-Aileron-Chord Frise Balance on the NACA 23012 Airfoil

Wind Tunnel Tests of Ailerons at Various Speeds 4: Ailerons of 0.20 Airfoil Chord and True Contour With 0.35 Aileron-Chord Extreme Blunt-Nose Balance on the NACA 23012 Airfoil

Fatigue Characteristics of Spot-Welded 24S-T Aluminum Alloy

An Investigation of the Air Flow Around a Martin PBM-3 Flying Boat by Means of Tufts

Published Year



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