Browse TRAIL Inventories

The properties and uses of helium :(including a comprehensive bibliography, 1933-45)


Exploration of the Bourbon magnetic anomaly, Crawford County, Missouri

Exploration of the Brutch sulfur deposits, Hot Springs County, Wyo.

A method for the spectrochemical determination of germanium, tin, and lead in ore samples

Exploration of alunite deposits, Marysvale, Piute County, Utah

Exploration for barite in Hot Springs County, Arkansas

Exploration of the Big Four zinc-silver mine, Summit County, Colo.

Exploration of Glass Buttes mercury deposit, Lake County, Oregon

The metallurgical research program of the Bureau of Mines relating to iron and steel

Exploration of Georgia and South Carolina sillimanite deposits

Exploration of Chamberlain-Barnardville iron deposits, Roane County, Tennessee

Pilot-plant production of electrolytic manganese ores from manganese ores from metals reserve stock piles at Deming, N. Mex., Cushman, Ark., and Philipsburg, Mont.

Control of gelation in extraction of alumina from lime-soda-clay sinters

Examination of the Wah Wah lead-zinc mine, Beaver County, Utah

Extinction of gasoline flames by inert gases

Electronic chronoscope for measuring velocities of detonation of explosives

Exploration of the Packard fluorspar property, Gila County, Ariz.

Limits of inflammability and ignition temperatures of naphthalene

Exploration of O'Jack Mining Co. zinc and lead deposits, Jasper County, Missouri

Exploration of barite deposits in Montgomery County, Ark.

Exploration of the Queen Mary copper prospect, Missoula County, Mont.

Pilot-plant production of high-grade magnetite concentrates, Cranberry, N.C.

Exploration of Choteau titaniferous magnetite deposit, Teton County, Mont.

Exploration of Harding tantalum-lithium deposits, Taos County, N. Mex.

Pilot-plant investigations :production of sponge iron with producer gas

Exploration of the Jewell Tunnel Zinc property, Chaffee County, Colorado

Production of lithium chloride from spodumene by a lime-gypsum roast process

Diamond drilling of potash reserves in Eddy County, N. Mex.

Investigation of the Miami-West Palm Beach belt of silica sand in Florida

Exploration of Bear Lodge fluorite property, Crook County, Wyo.

Exploration of Eagle Mountain fluorspar deposits, Hudspeth County, Tex.

Exploration of the Mohawk zinc prospect, Pima County, Ariz.

Exploration of Lookout Mountain and Sand Mountain coal deposits, Dade and Walker Counties, Georgia

Exploration of Silver Eagle zinc deposit, Huspeth County, Texas

Colorimetric phosphate tests for boiler waters containing tannin

Exploration of New Planet iron deposit, Yuma County, Ariz.

Small-scale tests of selective reduction of iron in titaniferous iron ores

Observations on the use of a diesel freight locomotive through a railway tunnel

Effect of relief vents on reduction of pressures developed by dust explosions

Exploration for fluorite, Krausse estate property, Crittendon County, Kentucky

Exploration of the Brown-Iron ores, Churchwell and Robinette tracts, Western Highland Rim District, Wayne County, Tennessee

Exploration of the Crowell fluorspar mine, Nye County, Nevada

Preliminary exploration of bi-metallic molybdenum deposit, Okanogan County, Washington

Concentration of manganese ores from Gila, Greenlee, and Graham counties, Ariz.

Exploration of Gallinas fluorspar deposits, Lincoln County, N. Mex.

Examination and treatment of industrial magnesium foundry wastes

A study of anodes for electrolytic manganese

Recovery and utilization of oil from oil-field waste emulsion :a preliminary report

Exploration of Sedanka zinc deposit, Sedanka Island, Alaska

Published Year



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