Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
The effect of dead rise upon the low-angle type of porpoising
Derivation of charts for determining the horizontal tail load variation with any elevator motion
Tire friction coefficients and their relation to ground-run distance in landing
Summary of V-G records taken on transport airplanes from 1932 to 1942
Calculation of tab characteristics for flight conditions from wind-tunnel data
Calibrations of pitot-static tubes at high speeds
Condensation trails: Where they occur and what can be done about them
Exhaust-stack nozzle area and shape for individual cylinder exhaust-gas jet-propulsion system
Wind-tunnel tests of single- and dual-rotating tractor propellers of large blade width
The flow of a compressible fluid past a curved surface
NACA Mach number indicator for use in high-speed tunnels
The Measurement of Fuel-Air Ratio by Analysis for the Oxidized Exhaust Gas
Flight tests of thermal ice-prevention equipment in the XB-24F airplane
Icing tests of aircraft-engine induction systems
The effect of compressibility on two-dimensional tunnel-wall interference for a symmetrical airfoil
Determination of general relations for the behavior of turbulent boundary layers
The problem of longitudinal stability and control at high speeds
Laminar-boundary-layer oscillations and transition on a flat plate
The significance of the time concept in engine detonation
The effect of xylidines on the load-carrying capacity of an aircraft-engine oil I
Effects of mean-line loading on the aerodynamic characteristics of some low-drag airfoils
The effect of xylidines on the corrosiveness of aircraft-engine oil
The effect of xylidines on the stability of an aircraft-engine lubricating oil
The Heat Transfer to a Plate in Flow at High Speed
Small-orifice tubes for minimizing dilution in exhaust-gas samples
A flight investigation of fuselage static-pressure-vent airspeed installations
General porpoising tests on flying-boat-hull models
The induction of water to the inlet air as a means of internal cooling in aircraft-engine cylinders
Additional design charts relating to the stalling of tapered wings