Browse TRAIL Inventories

Anthracite Mine Fires: Their Behavior and Control

Effect of pressure on ignition temperature of acetylene and acetylene-air mixtures

Suggested methods for installing dust-allaying equipment in bituminous-coal mines

Exploration of Silver Hollow, Newbauer, and Coleman iron deposits, Franklin and Crawford Counties, Missouri

Manufacture of sponge iron in periodic brick kilns

Stench warning tests, Lake Superior district mines

Burning bituminous and subbituminous coals on an anthracite, ash-removal-type, domestic stoker

Performance of a hydraulic classifier designed to incorporate four hitherto neglected principles

A rapid method for determining surface moisture in coal

Utilization of anthracite fines in the manufacture of byproduct coke

Control of bulk densities in coke ovens :studies on the coal used at three byproduct-coke plants

Classification and tabling of Birmingham (Ala.) red iron ores, with recommendations for added recovery

Analyses of crude oils from some fields of Oklahoma.

National motor-gasoline survey :Summer 1944

Studies on explosives and explosions :fiscal year 1944

Inflammability of natural gas :effect of pressure upon the limits

The microseismic method of predicting rock failure in underground mining.

Analyses of ash from coals of the United States

Fluorescence test for uranium

Processes for making barium and its alloys

Permissible mine equipment approved during 1944

Destruction of damaged, deteriorated, or unwanted commercial explosives

Annual report of research and technologic work on coal :fiscal year 1944

A pattern for western steel production

Dust-counting cells

Trends in consumption and prices of chemical raw materials and fertilizers

Fuel for permissible flame safety lamps :(a revision of RI 3389)

Surface storage of explosives

Bibliography of Bureau of Mines investigations on the production of liquid fuels from oil shale, coal, lignite, and natural gas

Diamond drilling of blast holes lake Superior district iron-ore mines,

Electronic mine-shaft signal system at Magma Copper Co., Superior, Ariz.

Paligorskite :a possible asbestos substitute

Hazards from chlorates and perchlorates in mixtures with reducing materials

Shaft sinking by rotary drilling

Extractive metallurgy of beryllium

Testing safety catches on mine cages, Lake Superior district

Geophysical abstracts 120, January-March 1945

Coal-mine explosions and coal- and metal-mine fires in the United States during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1944

Hazards of the trolley-locomotive haulage system in coal mines

Inspection standards for bituminous-coal and lignite mines :revised July 1945.

Guarding trolley wires in mines

Natural-gasoline plants in the United States, January 1, 1944

Resins in coal

Coke-oven accidents in the United States :calendar year 1943

Analyses of Tennessee coals (including Georgia).

Relative spontaneous heating tendencies of coals

Semi-pilot-plant investigations of nitrogen dioxide process for beneficiation of manganese ores

Detonators:initiating efficiency by the miniature-cartridge test

Carbonizing properties and petrographic composition of Hazard no. 4 coal from Columbus no. 4 mine and high-temperature carbonizing properties of Hazard no. 7 coal from Hardburly mine, Perry county, Ky.

Carbonizing properties of Powellton-bed coal from Coal Mountain mine, Guyan, Wyoming County, W. Va.

Published Year



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