Browse TRAIL Inventories

The Tracer Gas Method of Determining the Charging Efficiency of Two-Stroke-Cycle Diesel Engines

The Limiting Useful Deflections of Corrugated Metal Diaphragms

Investigation of the Forces Acting on Gliders in Automobile-, Pulley-, Winch-, and Airplane Towed Flight

Curing of Resin-Wood Combinations by High-Frequency Heating

Improvement of Fatigue Life of an Aluminum Alloy by Overstressing

Stress Analysis of Monocoque Fuselage Bulkheads by the Photoelastic Method

A Rosette Strain Computer

A Preliminary Investigation of the Electrical Structure of Thunderstorms

A Method for Determining the Camber and Twist of a Surface to Support a Given Distribution of Lift

Tidewater and Weather-Exposure Tests on Metals Used in Aircraft - 2

On the Distribution of Stress in a Thin Plate Elastically Supported Along Two Edges at Loads Beyond the Stability Limit

Tensile and Pack Compressive Tests of Some Sheets of Aluminum Alloy, 1025 Carbon Steel, and Chromium-Nickel Steel

Tests of Propeller-Speed Cooling Blowers

Investigation of Lubricants Under Boundary Friction

Propeller Selection From Aerodynamic Considerations

On the Symmetrical Potential Flow of Compressible Fluid Past a Circular Cylinder in the Tunnel in the Subcritical Zone

Progress Summary Number 1: Mechanical Properties of Flush-Riveted Joints Submitted by Five Airplane Manufacturers

Flight Tests of Modifications to Improve the Aileron Control Characteristics of a North American XP-51 Airplane (AC No. 41-38)

Wind-tunnel investigation of an NACA full-span high-lift lateral-control combination 1: section characteristics, NACA 23012 airfoil

Wind-tunnel investigation of control-surface characteristics 5: the use of a beveled trailing edge to reduce the hinge moment of a control surface

Wind-tunnel investigation of control-surface characteristics 8: a large aerodynamic balance of two nose shapes used with a 30-percent-chord flap on an NACA 0015 airfoil

A flight investigation of short-period longitudinal oscillations of an airplane with free elevator

Flight investigation of the performance and cooling characteristics of a long-nose high-inlet-velocity cowling on the XP-42 airplane

Flight investigation of an NACA ice-detector suitable for use as a rate-of-icing indicator

A flight investigation of internally balanced sealed ailerons in the presence of a balanced split flap

An Experimental Investigation of Flow Across Tube Banks

An Investigation of Hydrofoils in the NACA Tank 1: Effect of Dihedral and Depth of Submersion

Interference effects of longitudinal flat plates on low-drag airfoils

Flight investigation of a stall-warning indicator for operation under icing conditions

Generalized selection charts for bombers powered by one, two, four, and six 2000-horsepower engines

Graphical representation of intercooler parameters and performance at altitudes from 25,000 to 60,000 feet

High-speed tests of radial-engine nacelles on a thick low-drag wing

The strength of plane web systems in incomplete diagonal tension

A study of the effect of adverse yawing moment on lateral maneuverability at a high lift coefficient

Pressure-Distribution Measurements of a Model of a Davis Wing Section with Fowler Flap Submitted by Consolidated Aircraft Corporation

A study of the application of data on various types of flap to the design of fighter brakes

Pressure-distribution measurements of two airfoil models with Fowler flaps submitted by Consolidated Aircraft Corporation as alternative wing sections of the XB-32 airplane

Preliminary experimental investigation of airfoils in cascade

A preliminary investigation of exhaust-gas ejectors for ground cooling

Lateral-control characteristics of North American XP-51 airplane (A. C. No. 41-38) with beveled trailing-edge ailerons in high-speed flight

A mass-distribution criterion for predicting the effect of control manipulation on the recovery from a spin

The Porpoising Characteristics of a Planing Surface Representing the Forebody of a Flying-Boat Hull

Power-on longitudinal-stability and control tests of the 1/8-scale model of the Brewster F2A airplane equipped with full-span slotted flaps and a new horizontal tail

Preliminary Investigation in the NACA Low-Turbulence Tunnel of Low-Drag Airfoil Sections Suitable for Admitting Air at the Leading Edge

The effect of pitch on force and moment characteristics of full-scale propellers of five solidities

The effect of spanwise mass distribution upon the spin characteristics of airplanes as determined by model tests conducted in the free-spinning wind tunnel

Wind-tunnel investigation of a tapered wing with a plug-type spoiler-slot aileron and full-span slotted flaps

Wind tunnel investigation of a plain aileron with various trailing-edge modifications on a tapered wing 2: ailerons with thickened and beveled trailing edges

Methods used in the NACA tank for the investigation of the longitudinal-stability characteristics of models of flying boats

Wind-tunnel investigation of a plain aileron and a balanced aileron on a tapered wing with full-span duplex flaps

Published Year



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