Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Increased Pig-Iron Output Through Improved Coke
Analysis of Oil Production in the Near-Depleted Mexia-Powell Fault-Line Fields of Texas
Syllabus of Clay Testing: Part 1
Spot test for the separation of aluminum bronze from manganese bronze
Prevention of benzene-air explosions by addition of nitrogen and carbon dioxide
Precipitation of copper from an acid mine water
Periodic pincer to control flow of wet ore pulp through an orifice
Filter-paper method for obtaining dust-concentration results comparable to impinger results
Some suggestions on care in the use and handling of explosives in coal mines
Accidents to children from blasting caps
Possible hazards attending the use of engines operated on butane fuel in mining and tunneling
Suggested hoisting-signal code for metal-mine shafts
Hazards from common gases and vapors encountered at surface disasters
Testing safety catches on mine cages at some eastern bituminous-coal mines
Some of the hazards of auxiliary fans in coal mines
Blasting hazards in strip mines adjacent to underground workings
Prospect trenching with caterpillar-mounted angledozers
Prevention of fires caused by electric arcs and sparks from trolley wires
Bureau of Mines exploration of mercury deposits to June 30, 1944
Successful system for signaling from mine cages at rest or in motion
Low-temperature carbonization of Alaskan coals
Precautions to be taken when approaching old mine workings
Fluorescent minerals used in lighting and elsewhere
Use and misuse of flame safety lamps
Permissible mine equipment approved during 1943
Milling and smelting operations of the Magma Copper Co., Superior, Ariz.
Suggested hoisting-signal code for slope coal mines and for shaft mines having only one level
Moose Creek district of Matanuska coal fields, Alaska
Bureau of Mines research on the hydrogenation and liquefaction of coal and lignite
Electrical devices applied to metallurgical research
Coke-oven accidents in the United States :calendar year 1942
Rare and uncommon chemical elements in coal
The flow of coal-ash slag on furnace walls
Production of industrial explosives in the United Statesduring the calendar year 1942
Carbonizing properties of western region interior province coals and certain blends of these coals
Thermodynamic properties of carbides of chromium
Precision jigging as a substitute for laboratory sink-float
Wartime application of air-gas injection and oil-well reconditioning in the Appalachian region