Browse TRAIL Inventories

Requirements for Satisfactory Flying Qualities of Airplanes

Factors Influencing the Fatigue Strength of Materials

Wind-Tunnel Development of a Plug-Type Spoiler-Slot Aileron for a Wing With a Full-Span Slotted Flap and a Discussion of Its Application

Tank Tests of a 1/5 Full-Size Dynamically Similar Model of the Army OA-9 Amphibian With Motor-Driven Propellers: NACA Model 117

Requirements for Satisfactory Flying Qualities of Airplanes

Characteristics of Naca 4400R Series Rectangular and Tapered Airfoils, Including the Effect of Split Flaps

Development of Cowling for Long-Nose Air-Cooled Engine in the NACA Full-Scale Wind Tunnel

Tests of Round and Flat Spoilers on a Tapered Wing in the NACA 19-Foot Pressure Wind Tunnel

Tests on Stiffened Circular Cylinders

Effect of Aging on Mechanical Properties of Aluminum-Alloy Rivets

Relief of Residual Stress in Streamline Tie Rods by Heat Treatment

Shear Lag in Corrugated Sheets Used for the Chord Member of a Box Beam

Two-Stage Supercharging

Ultimate Stresses Developed by 24S-T Sheet in Incomplete Diagonal Tension

Minimum Induced Drag in Wing-Fuselage Interference

Cooling and Performance Tests of a Continental A-75 Engine

Stresses and Deflections in Thin Shells and Curved Plates Due to Concentrated and Variously Distributed Loading

The Tensile Elastic Properties at Low Temperatures of 18:8 Cr-Ni Steel as Affected by Heat Treatment and Slight Plastic Deformation

Variation of Properties Throughout Cross Section of Two Extruded Shapes

Tests of Bell XP-63 Low-Drag Wing Model With Split Flap

New Method of Calculating the Power at Altitude of Aircraft Engines Equipped With Superchargers on the Basis of Tests Made Under Sea-Level Conditions

The Oscillating Wing With Aerodynamically Balanced Elevator

On the Use of Residue Theory for Treating the Subsonic Flow of a Compressible Fluid

Researches on Direct Injection in Internal-Combustion Engines

The aerodynamics of a wind-tunnel fan

A simplified theoretical method of determining the characteristics of a lifting rotor in forward flight

Flutter calculations in three degrees of freedom

Determination of control-surface characteristics from NACA plain-flap and tab data

Correction of the Lifting-Line Theory for the Effect of the Chord

Plate method of ground representation for wind-tunnel determination of elevator effectiveness in landing

Wind-tunnel investigation of an NACA 23012 airfoil with several arrangements of slotted flaps with extended lips

Wind-tunnel investigation of the effect of vertical position of the wing on the side flow in the region of the vertical tail

The Calculation of Span Load Distributions of Swept-Back Wings

Methods of Analyzing Wind-Tunnel Data for Dynamic Flight Conditions

Wind-Tunnel Tests of Eight-Blade Single and Dual-Rotating Propellers in the Tractor Position

Wind-Tunnel Tests of Four Curtiss Propellers Embodying Different Blade Sections

Wind-tunnel tests of two Hamilton Standard propellers embodying Clark Y and NACA 16 series blade sections

A flight investigation of the boundary-layer characteristics and profile drag of the NACA 35-215 laminar-flow airfoil at high Reynolds numbers

A study of the effects of vertical tail area and dihedral on the lateral maneuverability of an airplane

Pressure distribution over an airfoil with a balanced split flap

Pressure distribution over an NACA 23012 airfoil with a fixed slot and a slotted flap

Power-on wind-tunnel tests of the 1/8-scale model of the Brewster F2A airplane with full-span slotted flaps

Power-off wind-tunnel tests of the 1/8-scale model of the Brewster F2A airplane

Wind-tunnel investigation of 20-percent-chord plain and Frise ailerons on an NACA 23012 airfoil

Wind-tunnel investigation of an NACA 23012 airfoil with a 30 percent chord Maxwell slate and with trailing-edge flaps

Wind-tunnel investigation of a section of the horizontal tail surface for the Bell XP-63 airplane

Wind-tunnel investigation of an NACA 23012 airfoil with an 18.05 percent chord Maxwell slat and with trailing-edge flaps

Nonstationary flow about a wing-aileron-tab combination including aerodynamic balance

Wind-tunnel investigation of control-surface characteristics II : a large aerodynamic balance of various nose shapes with a 30-percent-chord flap on an NACA 0009 airfoil

Wind-tunnel investigation of plain ailerons for a wing with a full-span flap consisting of an inboard Fowler and an outboard retractable split flap

Published Year



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