Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Requirements for Satisfactory Flying Qualities of Airplanes
Factors Influencing the Fatigue Strength of Materials
Requirements for Satisfactory Flying Qualities of Airplanes
Development of Cowling for Long-Nose Air-Cooled Engine in the NACA Full-Scale Wind Tunnel
Tests of Round and Flat Spoilers on a Tapered Wing in the NACA 19-Foot Pressure Wind Tunnel
Tests on Stiffened Circular Cylinders
Effect of Aging on Mechanical Properties of Aluminum-Alloy Rivets
Relief of Residual Stress in Streamline Tie Rods by Heat Treatment
Shear Lag in Corrugated Sheets Used for the Chord Member of a Box Beam
Ultimate Stresses Developed by 24S-T Sheet in Incomplete Diagonal Tension
Minimum Induced Drag in Wing-Fuselage Interference
Cooling and Performance Tests of a Continental A-75 Engine
Variation of Properties Throughout Cross Section of Two Extruded Shapes
Tests of Bell XP-63 Low-Drag Wing Model With Split Flap
The Oscillating Wing With Aerodynamically Balanced Elevator
On the Use of Residue Theory for Treating the Subsonic Flow of a Compressible Fluid
Researches on Direct Injection in Internal-Combustion Engines
The aerodynamics of a wind-tunnel fan
Flutter calculations in three degrees of freedom
Determination of control-surface characteristics from NACA plain-flap and tab data
Correction of the Lifting-Line Theory for the Effect of the Chord
The Calculation of Span Load Distributions of Swept-Back Wings
Methods of Analyzing Wind-Tunnel Data for Dynamic Flight Conditions
Wind-Tunnel Tests of Eight-Blade Single and Dual-Rotating Propellers in the Tractor Position
Wind-Tunnel Tests of Four Curtiss Propellers Embodying Different Blade Sections
Pressure distribution over an airfoil with a balanced split flap
Pressure distribution over an NACA 23012 airfoil with a fixed slot and a slotted flap
Power-off wind-tunnel tests of the 1/8-scale model of the Brewster F2A airplane
Wind-tunnel investigation of 20-percent-chord plain and Frise ailerons on an NACA 23012 airfoil
Wind-tunnel investigation of a section of the horizontal tail surface for the Bell XP-63 airplane
Nonstationary flow about a wing-aileron-tab combination including aerodynamic balance